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会计及金融 金融服务和保险


金融服务和保险是热门行业,政府统计数字显示它对本地生产总值的贡献於2016年增至18%,反映市场对该行业人才需求殷切。 投身有关行业,必须掌握财务策划及财富管理知识。透过我们优质的课程,可提升学生在金融业的竞争力。


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The programme will primarily appeal to financial services executives who wish to equip themselves with latest knowledge in marine insurance for their professional advancement. The secondary target market includes business executives or new graduates who aim to take up opportunities in insurance sector with a focus of marine insurance.
Start 26 FEB 2025 (WED)
Duration 3 months
Fee $9,000
The Postgraduate Certificate in Management and Insurance programme is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of risk and insurance. Upon completion of the programme, students are equipped with knowledge in the insurance industry and to develop professional competencies needed to be a leader in the field. The curriculum is designed based on the Specification of Competency Standards (SCSs) of the Insurance Industry in Hong Kong. The programme adopts a practical approach, equipping students with the appropriate level of skills to address the managerial and risk management aspects in the insurance industry under an increasingly stringent regulatory environment.
Start To be advised
Duration 9 months to 12 months
Fee HK$4000

The programme aims to prepare students to sit for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I examination. It will provide students with knowledge of quantitative methods, economic and financial analysis, and portfolio management. It also covers the ethical and professional standards requirement for an asset manager.

Start 01 MAR 2025 (SAT)
Duration 2 months to 3 months
Fee HK$13,600(including a comprehensive set of notes and study materials which are non-refundable)
This programme aims to equip students with the professional communication skills and English proficiency to excel in both general business contexts and specifically in the industry of financial services. It is designed to enhance students’ overall English proficiency through contextualised teaching and scenario-based materials. This programme also lays a solid foundation for graduates to proceed to an advanced diploma in professional communication, business management or similar subjects, thereby providing the means to articulate and achieve higher qualifications at university, and improving graduates’ prospect of career advancement.

Module 1:   Business English for Professionals
Module 2:   Professional Communication in Business Administration
Module 3:   Professional Communication in Financial Services
Module 4:   Financial Communication and Relationship Management
Start 05 MAR 2025 (WED)
Duration 12 months
Fee HK$20,300

开课日期 2025年3月26日 (星期三)
修业期 5个月
课程费用 HK$6,200

The programme aims to prepare students to sit for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level III examination. It will provide students with the advanced knowledge to evaluate various asset classes in investment portfolios and perform asset allocation in synthesized cases. It also enables students to perform wealth planning and portfolio management holistically.

Start 04 MAY 2025 (SUN)
Duration 2 months to 3 months
Fee HK$18,300 (including a comprehensive set of notes and study materials which are non-refundable)

The programme aims to prepare students to sit for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level II examination. It will provide students with the knowledge in economic and corporate financial analysis, the valuation techniques of investment assets and issues of portfolio management.

Start 24 MAY 2025 (SAT)
Duration 2 months to 3 months
Fee HK$15,700 (including comprehensive set of notes and study materials which are non-refundable)
This programme aims to provide students with knowledge and practical skills in financial planning and wealth management, preparing them for mandatory licensing certifications and effective client engagement. Students will gain insights into financial markets, banking products, risk management and compliance.
Start 12 JUN 2025 (THU)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,000

This programme aims to equip students with essential soft skills required for a successful career in the banking industry.  These skills include communication, critical thinking, growth mindset, and creativity, which are essential for fostering their workplace proficiency in customer relationship management. It adopts a practical approach by employing hands-on techniques including role plays, group discussions, and exercises, specifically designed to enhance students’ self-confidence and foster a design thinking mindset, which is crucial for meeting the demands of the banking industry.

Start 12 JUL 2025 (SAT)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,000
This programme aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge in banking products and services, banking system as well as the regulatory compliance requirements in the dynamic and ever-evolving banking and finance industry. It also aims to enhance students’ proficiency in workplace productivity within the banking sector. The job simulation activities included in the programme are specifically designed to elevate students’ self-confidence and practical career-ready job experiences.
Start 14 AUG 2025 (THU)
Duration 48 hours
Fee HK$11,000