社会科学 心理学及辅导

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- 课程名称
The objectives of this short course are (1) to introduce participants to the field of psychology; (2) to describe how various psychological approaches contribute to our understanding of everyday life settings; and (3) to apply the knowledge from these studies to our own personal and professional lives.
In the post-VUCA era, the majority of the workforce is from Generation Z while others are from different generations. In order to engage the Millennium at work and achieve organisational goals more effectively, It is necessary for leaders to understand the beliefs, values, personalities and behaviours of young employees. This understanding will help leaders to be more analytical and able to predict the responses of employees in different situations. Leaders will be more able to influence employees, create a positive and innovate working environment, solve difficult problems, promote team work and facilitate organisational changes.
In the era of digital economy, executives should not only be professional in their functions but also know how to engage their people, including open communication, value people over task, team approach, accept ambiguity and facilitate staff's development. This programme will improve your knowledge and skill in coaching. But, more important is before coaching others, you need to learn how to coach yourself: be more humble, willing to listen, be active in listening. Through the approach of coaching-based leadership, you will understand how to enhance yourself, at the same time, improve performance through the development of your staff.
- 获得使用音乐作为媒介的初步技能,以激发儿童客户的积极健康和教育改变;
- 能够使用基本方法完成音乐治疗师的训练任务;和
- 在与儿童客户合作的适当实践道德标准范围内学习治疗计划或方法的基本设计和评估。
特殊教育(讀寫障礙) $6600
認識及支援專注力不足及過度活躍學童 $4350
認識及支援資優學童 $4350
認識及支援自閉症譜系障礙學童 $4350
聽覺健康及支援聽覺受損學童 $4350
On completion of the programme, students should be able to
- Explore the concept of autism spectrum disorder and apply principles of effective work with individuals with autism spectrum disorder;
- outline continuous data collection techniques such as frequency recording, episodic severity, and duration recording;
- explain discontinuous data collection techniques, such as momentary time sampling and partial interval recording;
- summarise how graphs are used in behavioural support;
- demonstrate implementation of behaviour support, stimuli control, and skill acquisition plans; and
- demonstrate effective and ethical treatment of individuals with challenging behaviours.