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The MSc in Marketing with Festival and Event Management is a two-year part-time programmes jointly offered by Edinburgh Napier University and HKU SPACE since Year 2010. Edinburgh Napier is based in one of the most important global destinations for tourism, festival and events. The University's postgraduate programmes were developed to support international tourism and event management development. The programmes aimed to equip students with the knowledge and intellectual capabilities to successfully develop a career in marketing, festival and event management.
Start 11 JUN 2024 (TUE)
Duration 24 months to 28 months
Fee HK$99,000 (payable in two instalments)
開課日期 待定
修業期 2個月
課程費用 課程費用

HK$7,000 (早鳥優惠- 凡於2022年3月3日或之前報名)

HK$7,000 (二人同行優惠)



订阅 学院电子通讯