应用学习课程 (ApL)

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The programme aims to provide opportunities for senior secondary students to enhance their English communication skills in authentic/near-authentic vocational and professional settings so they can cope with the demands of communication in English in general work contexts as well as specific industries (such as tourism and hospitality, airline and airport services, design and technology, and leisure and recreation) in the service sector with considerable level of confidence and clarity; and to enhance students’ flexibility in articulation pathways by increasing their academic literacy, functional workplace literacy as well as critical literacy necessary for a smooth transition from a vocational training route to higher education in colleges and universities.
It aims to provide students the fundamental knowledge and skills required by the aviation industry guide students understand the reality and prospects of the aviation industry, and stimulate students' interest for further study and career development in the field.
The programme aims to
- develop students' awareness and understanding of various concepts and technological skills in food innovation, science, and technology
- help students explore the career opportunity of the ever-changing food product innovation industry and be well equipped to contribute to the development of the industry
订阅 学院电子通讯