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社会科学 心理学及辅导

Advanced Certificate in Counselling

持续进修基金 CEF 认可课程

持续进修基金 CEF 认可课程


2024年10月17日 (星期四)
每课程 HK$19,800
截止于 2024年10月16日 (星期三)
2508 8862
2508 6403


Would you like to use the skills of counselling to advance your career? Would you like to learn more about yourself?

The Advanced Certificate in Counselling provides a comprehensive overview of the theories and techniques in counselling. We have supported many graduates of this course to pursue master’s degree in psychology/counselling in Hong Kong and overseas.

Some of the topics that you will learn in this course includes, 1) Introduction to Counselling, 2) Non-verbal and verbal communication skills in Counselling, 3) different approaches to counselling. The modules will provide you with a general understanding of the discipline and better prepare you for advanced studies in counselling and other related disciplines.

This programme caters to people working in a variety of job environments such as social services, human resources, school, community services, business, church, and health care settings who are seeking to enhance personal and/or professional development.

This versatile course provides the opportunity for you to embark on a Counselling career or bring those skills to wide variety of other career paths. Based on personal merits and academic background (including your bachelor degree), holders of the Advanced Certificate in Counselling will be eligible to apply for the Master of Social Sciences in Counselling from one of the universities in Hong Kong or from any overseas institutions.


This Advanced Certificate programme is a part-time programme primarily designed for those who are interested to acquire general knowledge in some of the key areas in Counselling. The programme is also suitable for practitioners in fields such as education, business, human resources, nursing, and public services etc. who are seeking to enhance personal or professional development. For degree holders (in a discipline other than counselling) who are considering further studies in the area of counselling, the Advanced Certificate programme will provide them with a good understanding of the discipline.


In general, assessment will be by coursework and written examination. The minimum attendance requirement is 75% for each module.

Programme Duration

The Advanced Certificate programme can be completed in two semesters on a part-time basis. The maximum registration period is three years. There are two intake per year: April and October. 

Medium of Instruction

Applicants should be able to read and write in both English and Chinese. All assignments and examinations must be written in English.

Tentative venue

  • HKU SPACE Kowloon East Campus;
  • HKU SPACE Island East Campus; 
  • HKU SPACE Fortress Tower Learning Centre;
  • HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College (HPSHCC) Campus.
报名代码 2250-CS029A 现时接受报名

日期 / 时间
  • 逢周二,6:45pm - 10:05pm
  • 逢周四,7:00pm - 10:00pm
  • 逢周五,6:45pm - 9:45pm
  • 1 year minimum, 3 years maximum


Participants can complete the Programme within 1 - 3 years from the date of registration at HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education.

There are 6 modules in the Programme (total 198 hours):

  1. Introduction to Psychology (48 hours)

  2. Introduction to Counselling (30 hours)

  3. Developmental Psychology (30 hours)

  4. Alternative Approaches to Counselling  (30 hours)

  5. Micro-skills in Counselling (30 hours)

  6. Self-understanding and Communication Skills (30 hours)

Modules focuses on theoretical training in Counselling and Psychology

  • Introduction to Psychology

This module introduces the basic principles of psychology and offers a preliminary survey of representative works carried out in various areas of psychological investigation such as: sensation and perception, learning, memory, cognition, language and intelligence, aspects of human behaviour and the dynamics of motivation. There will be an opportunity to investigate some specific areas at length.

  • Introduction to Counselling

This module introduces students to the major theoretical perspectives in counselling psychology. The emphasis will be on the basic assumptions of each perspective, the therapeutic process as well as the counselling skills involved. Students will further explore the ethical and contemporary issues in counselling psychology.

  • Developmental Psychology

This module introduces the major theories and concepts in the study of lifespan development: From infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, to late adulthood. Special emphasis will be placed on the physical, cognitive, and social development at each of the developmental stage. The socio-cultural and environmental context within which individuals developed will also be discussed.

Modules focuses on Practicum Supervision

  • Alternative Approaches to Counselling

This module aims to introduce students to the theories and practice of selected alternative approaches to counselling, such as art therapy and play therapy. These approaches not only complement the traditional mode of “talking” therapy, but will also expand students’ helping repertoire. Students will also be given the opportunity to experience the healing processes of the selected approaches.

  • Micro-skills in Counselling

Students will be divided into small groups to learn and practice micro-counselling skills. This module puts special emphasis on experiential learning through skill practices, demonstration and role-play.

  • Self-understanding and Communication Skills

This module aims to enable students to achieve self-understanding and self-awareness, and to develop their interpersonal communication skills. The content will cover processes and patterns of human communication, value clarification, self-exploration of strengths and weaknesses, and principles of effective interpersonal communication. 




HK$150 non-refundable

  • 学费 : 每课程 HK$19,800 (to be paid in 1 instalment)


Applicants are expected to be holders of:

  1. a recognized bachelor’s degree in any discipline; or
  2. an Associate Degree or a Higher Diploma or an Advanced Diploma in any discipline awarded by a recognized institution; or
  3. an equivalent qualification.


  • 香港大学专业进修学院的持续进修基金院校编号是 100
Advanced Certificate in Counselling
课程编号 44K10608A 学费 $19,800 查询号码 2975-5655
持续进修基金 持续进修基金


  • 本课程在资歴架构下获得认可 (资歴架构第4级)


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心理学及辅导 社会科学