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商业及管理 职场心理学及健康




香港大学专业进修学院(HKU SPACE)是在工作场所心理学和福祉课程的前驱。我们的课程包括人事管理及商业心理学深造文凭和人力资源管理及工作场所心理学高等文凭。短期课程有证书(单元:人员、工作及组织心理学)、证书(单元:动机、领导及员工福祉心理学)和证书(单元:员工投入度和沟通技巧)。


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The programme aims to provide students with:

1.   the latest concepts, tools and techniques in business psychology and human resource management (HRM)
       to achieve HR and corporate goals and objectives;
2.   various approaches to resolve issues and improve performances in the workplace; and
3.   a thorough understanding of skills needed to develop and increase the opportunities
       for effective conflict resolution.
Start 20 JUL 2024 (SAT)
Duration 12 months to 28 months
Fee Tuition fee: $36,000 (subject to change)
Payment is by modules
The success of an organisation is highly dependent on its people. Yet there is no “one-size fit all” strategy for managing people. This is because each person is an individual, with a distinctive personality that influences the way one thinks and acts.
This programme aims to equip students with the fundamentals of an individual’s psychology (personality, learning, perception & memory) and examines why behaviours often change in group settings. It also discusses factors that may affect an organisation – power, politics, ethics, conflicts and organisational culture, as well as the psychological impact of change on employees and the importance of managing such change in an organisation.
Start 17 JUL 2024 (WED)
Duration 11 weeks
Fee Total Tuition Fee: HKD$4,600
Organisational culture has become an increasingly important topic as organisations undergo transformation and change in their business strategies to cope with the “new normal” world.
This programme covers students with the conceptual models, frameworks and methods for the study of organisational culture. It enables students to implement change in their organisations through understanding the dynamics of organisational culture and the pressures, rationales and practices of change management.
Start 20 JUL 2024 (SAT)
Duration 45 hours
Fee HK$9,300
This programme aims to provide students with a solid foundation in business studies covering general management theories and practices.  It is designed to equip students with an analytical problem-solving approach in business management.  The inclusion of topical studies in Hong Kong’s business environment will enable students to learn about the emerging issues arising in the society that affect business decisions.

The programme consists of 3 streams*:

1. Business Management;

2. Digital Business Management; and  

3. Applied Business Psychology.

* Choices of streams is applicable for students admitted from July 2020 term only.
Start 22 JUL 2024 (MON)
Duration 1.5 years to 4 years
Fee HK$48,400
The workplace is made up of many types of personalities and the ability to understand the psychology behind different behaviours is key to managing the human capital in your organisation.
Start 14 SEP 2024 (SAT)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$5,500
The success of an organisation depends highly on the performance of its employees. Good performing employees are often motivated employees. This programme will discuss how organisation can motivate their employees and the role of leadership.
This programme aims to equip students with practical knowledge of work motivation and leadership, both classical and modern approaches. The importance of attitudes, emotions, stress and worker well-being in motivating employees is discussed and real cases reviewed to enhance student application of the concepts in their work. The role of leadership and the different approaches of leadership in motivating employees is also examined in the programme.
Start 14 NOV 2024 (THU)
Duration 11 weeks
Fee Total Tuition Fee: HKD$4,600
Why do conflicts happen at work? What is the psychology behind conflict management and negotiation?
This programme aims to equip students with the knowledge of psychology behind conflicts and to discuss methods for addressing conflict, negotiation and mediation in the workplace. It also discusses the importance of employee relationships and the laws and regulations associated with workplace conflict.
Start 22 MAR 2025 (SAT)
Duration 45 hours
Fee HK$9,300
The values of today’s generation are very different from earlier generations and monetary rewards are no longer the sole reward they are looking for in a job. Today’s generation need to feel engaged in what they do. Engaged employees tend to have more passion in their work and require less supervision from their managers. But what are the factors that drive employee engagement?
This programme aims to equip students with the principles of employee engagement and the development of different employee engagement approaches and systems. It discusses the importance of communication styles and provides real-life examples and practices for students to frame their communications in ways that bring results. Topics such as ‘identifying the objective of your message’, ‘reviewing how your message will be perceived by the recipient’ and ‘ways to overcome communication challenges at work’ will be covered.
Start 14 JUL 2025 (MON)
Duration 11 weeks
Fee Total Tuition Fee: HKD$4,600
This programme aims to provide students with a solid foundation in human resource management (HR) and basic workplace psychology principles to manage work behaviours in the organisation.
Start To be advised
Duration 20 months
Fee Total Tuition Fee: HKD$39,500 ($3,950 per module)
[Tuition Fee by 5 installments; each installment: HKD$7,900]