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開課日期 2024年6月21日 (星期五)
修業期 10個月


開課日期 2024年7月19日 (星期五)
修業期 4個月
課程費用 HK$7980


開課日期 2025年1月7日 (星期二)
修業期 9個月
課程費用 HK$16,300
本課程為有志於學習品鑒或提升品鑒水平人士而設,以一套系統化的品鑒流程,帶領學員以理性客觀的態度細味不同的茶韻 。單元內容結合中國傳統的藝術審美標準,並剖析茶香味韻,深入淺出地普及國茶鑒賞。


  1. 闡述歷代品飲與沖泡方式的演變對品茶的影響;
  2. 分辨品茶的主要元素及審美標準;
  3. 概述中國茶品鑒流程;及
  4. 以系統化的方法辨析及記錄茶香味韻。
開課日期 待定
修業期 5個星期
課程費用 HK$5,100
“Specialty coffee” is about all people involved in the coffee value chain work in harmony and maintain a keen focus on standards and excellence from start to finish, and these people include the coffee farmer, the green coffee buyer, the roaster, the barista, and the consumer.

This programme is designed to provide a sound introduction to essential barista skills, so that students could learn a range of complex job functions found in the barista profession.
Start 13 JUN 2024 (THU)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$17,100 per programme inclusive of:
1.) Learning materials in English
2.) Coffee tasting and hands-on practice
3.) Test Fee for SCA "Barista Skills Foundation" qualification
4.) Test Fee for SCA "Barista Skills Intermediate" qualification
5.) SCA certificate(s) (soft-copy) for each qualification upon successful completion

Note: A Student Service fee of USD 50 for SCA “Barista Skills Foundation” Examination and USD 50 for SCA “Barista Skills Intermediate” Examination will be paid by students directly to SCA, and this is an additional fee on top of the tuition fee (i.e. HK$17,100) to HKU SPACE.
The programme aims to provide students with the knowledge of food safety, food hygiene management as well as principles and regulations for quality assurance. This certificate has been recognised by Food and Environmental Hygiene Department as equivalent to Hygiene Managers training course.
Start To be advised
Duration 5 months
Fee $17,000 / $12,900 (Advanced Certificate with Module A exemption)
The programme aims to enable students to:
  • gain an in-depth understanding of the climate change challenges and evaluate the impact of the climate crisis on society, corporate performance and the economy.
  • understand key climate mitigation and adaptation options;
  • enhance personal effectiveness on making a difference on climate change in personal life and in the local community; 
  • gain an in-depth understanding on the policy options available for Hong Kong.

On completion of the programme, students should be able to:

  1. evaluate the impact of the climate crisis on society, corporate’s performance and the economy;
  2. identify the key international agreements driving sustainability issues;
  3. evaluate the actions taken by the corporates and financial sectors on climate change;
  4. present the options on energy generation and energy efficiency;
  5. apply policy and technical options for climate action on buildings, transport, waste and production;
  6. explain the principles of carbon measurement, management and standards that are essential for effective corporate climate action.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$7,900
The programme aims to provide students with the knowledge of the operation of the foodservice system and basic management skills. Students who successfully complete this certificate and Advanced Certificate in Quality Control and Food Safety Management will be awarded the HKU SPACE Advanced Diploma in Food Business Management. These programmes equip students to take up supervisory duties in the food industry.
Start 29 JUL 2024 (MON)
Duration 5 months
Fee $17,000 / $13,600 (Advanced Certificate with Module A exemption)
The programme aims to equip students with theoretical, technical, and professional knowledge and skills in ecological sciences of plants, shrubs, trees, landscape, and wildlife habitats, as well as sustainable development and management of urban forestry.
Start To be advised
Duration 15 months
Fee HK$44,470 (To be paid in two instalments)
This programme is designed for those working on all aspects of environmental, social and governance (ESG) planning in business and finance.
Start 24 SEP 2024 (TUE)
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$9,900


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