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開課日期 2024年7月19日 (星期五)
修業期 4個月
課程費用 HK$7980
《抗疫營養學》 短期課程旨在教授學員正確而有科學根據的營養學知識,不盲目跟從各種潮流,正確選擇有「營」食物,達至均衡飲食, 提升身體免疫力, 預防疾病。
開課日期 待定
修業期 3個星期
課程費用 HK$600

The aims of this course are to, through learning about the Zen approach in helping, demonstrate how professional helpers, for examples, doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, counsellors, teachers and other related professionals can develop a genuine compassion for and harmonious understanding of individuals they intend to help. A Zen perspective introduces us to an unconventional yet pragmatic new approach of helping, which is only possible by concentrating and living in the here and now- the essence of meditation. 

Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$5400
The Certificate in Positive Psychology programme provides an introduction to the core concepts and fundamental principles of positive psychology, including its philosophical approach and its practical applications. Throughout the programme, students explore the research and practice that make up the foundation of positive psychology. The implementation of positive psychology based exercises may contribute to positive mental wellness, increasing psychological assets and resourcefulness.
Start 04 DEC 2024 (WED)
Duration 8 months
Fee Course Fee: HK$13,800
开课日期 待定
修业期 33小时
開課日期 待定
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$6000
開課日期 待定
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$6000
This programme is an introduction to the core concepts of business management and aims to equip students with a strong foundation in business management principles and the strategic planning process. It will suit students that would like to acquire a solid understanding of the management process and the skillsets to formulate a sound business strategy. It will also discuss topics such as organisational change, innovation, entrepreneurship and the latest trends in business management.
Start 19 NOV 2025 (WED)
Duration 11 weeks
Fee Total Tuition Fee: HKD$4,600
开课日期 待定
修业期 24个月
The Postgraduate Diploma in Health Services Management is meticulously designed for healthcare professionals who aspire to enhance their management skills and advance their careers in the health service industries.
Start To be advised
Duration About 2 years
Fee HK$47,000


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