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专业实践学科主题 - 建筑学

微证书是根据个人节奏、时间和兴趣的个人化学习计划,课程以技能为基础及以专业为导向。适合任何希望推进事业发展、提升技能、转换职业,甚至只是追求兴趣的人。以下是 “建筑学主题的课程。更多主题和课程详情请参阅此处

There is growing demand for more integrative understanding and holistic management of sustainable development challenges in both public policy making and business strategy development in Hong Kong. This programme will provide the stakeholders and the general public the theory of and practical knowledge on sustainability in Hong Kong.

Start To be advised
Duration 36 hours
Fee HK$7,090
Nowadays, parametric modelling, as a means to design and explore complex architectural spaces, has become an essential tool in contemporary architecture practice. Nevertheless, due to its relative young age, there are still many practising design professionals whom have not had the opportunity to receive formal training on this technique.
Start 10 MAY 2025 (SAT)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$6,600

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become the must-know vocabulary within the construction industry. This programme will equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills of BIM application. The focus of the programme will be on the strategic and managerial side of this tool.

This programme is suitable for professionals who will have a need in planning, overseeing or managing a multi-discipline BIM team in their daily job. The programme will be delivered in the form of lectures, case studies and group exercises.

Start 26 MAR 2025 (WED)
Duration 36 hours
Fee HK$5,840
The programme aims to introduce to students aspects of the statutory controls in local building works, focusing on the standard administrative procedures and the statutory requirements of the local conditions in Hong Kong.
Start To be advised
Duration 36 hours
Fee HK$6,480
The programme aims to introduce to students aspects of the general practice of architecture and building contract administration.
Start To be advised
Duration 36 hours
Fee HK$6,480

The construction industry is one of the driving forces behind Hong Kong’s economy and the career development is optimistic. This programme would be attractive to the general public and professionals who are interested in building control. Prior applicants included structural engineers, property agents, building surveyors, etc.

Start 10 SEP 2025 (WED)
Duration 9 months
Fee HK$13,088


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