商业及管理 领导力培育
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Doctor of Business Administration, University of Plymouth, UK
The programme is studied part-time in a structured manner with a cohort of peers from a range of professional practices. A key emphasis of the programme is the strong teaching and supervisory support from the University of Plymouth. A thesis supervisor will be allocated upon a student’s acceptance and will be the mentor to the student throughout their DBA journey. In addition, the research modules in years 1 and 2 are taught modules so students are well-prepared for their thesis development.
The programme is suitable for professionals that prefer to study together with a cohort and be guided by a doctoral supervisor through their DBA journey.
- DBA supervisor allocated upon acceptance to the DBA and will provide guidance to you through your DBA journey
- Strong teaching support as you develop your research skills and thesis proposal in years 1 and 2.
- All assessments are by written coursework, no examination
1) Year 1: 3 installments of HKD$49,000 + HKD$48,500 + HKD$48,500
2) Year 2: 2 installments of HKD$43,800 + HKD$29,200
3) Years 3 & 4: HKD$51,500 (per year)
4) Year 5: HKD$51,500 (if required)
*Tuition fees will be reviewed annually and subject to change.

The MBA programme has the following programme objectives:
1. To enable the advanced study of organisations focusing on the role of leaders and managers in determining the organisation’s mission, vision and strategic direction.
2. To develop critical reflection and engagement skills to understand, apply and challenge the relevance of academic theories in a rapidly changing business context.
3. To develop insights, critical thinking and management skills necessary to function effectively in a management role and to widen the perspective of students beyond the limitations imposed by their own experience.
4. To enhance your interpersonal, team working and cross-cultural skills enabling you to work more effectively with employees and customers.
5. To develop your knowledge and skills across specialist routes congruent with your career and professional development plans and goals.
6. To foster innovation and entrepreneurial skills enabling you to generate original solutions to management problems.
Total fees: HK$92,000, paid in 8 instalments.
Instalment 1: HK$10,000
Instalment 2: HK$10,000
Instalment 3: HK$10,000
Instalment 4: HK$10,000
Instalment 5: HK$10,000
Instalment 6: HK$10,000
Instalment 7: HK$10,000
Instalment 8: HK$22,000
(all fees are subject to change without prior notice)
*Students will be required to cover the additional cost incurred due to repeating / retaking a module.
[Tuition Fee by 3 instalments; each instalment: HKD$14,000]
The programme covers the concepts of contract law, employment law and the contract of employment within an organisation. It also examines the safety, health and welfare of employees at work and discusses methods of dealing with common workplace issues such as discrimination, harassment, theft, threats and violence, drug and alcohol abuse. It also includes a discussion on workplace problems and the process of conducting such investigation.
The programme will equip students with the knowledge and skills to structure a business presentation, add in powerful visuals and craft a “story” to turn dull information into an intriguing sharing opportunity, to engage the audience and communicate the intended message persuasively through the use of verbal and non-verbal skills.
This programme aims to equip students with the principles of employee engagement and the development of different employee engagement approaches and systems. It discusses the importance of communication styles and provides real-life examples and practices for students to frame their communications in ways that bring results. Topics such as ‘identifying the objective of your message’, ‘reviewing how your message will be perceived by the recipient’ and ‘ways to overcome communication challenges at work’ will be covered.
This programme aims to equip students with practical knowledge of work motivation and leadership, both classical and modern approaches. The importance of attitudes, emotions, stress and worker well-being in motivating employees is discussed and real cases reviewed to enhance student application of the concepts in their work. The role of leadership and the different approaches of leadership in motivating employees is also examined in the programme.
This programme aims to equip students with the knowledge of psychology behind conflicts and to discuss methods for addressing conflict, negotiation and mediation in the workplace. It also discusses the importance of employee relationships and the laws and regulations associated with workplace conflict.
The objective of this programme is to equip students with thorough knowledge in talent management and performance management principles and practices. It will enable students to use talent management to build high performing organisations and run talent management programmes. The programme also examines the role of performance management and the development of a performance management system that encourages desired employee behaviour.