航空、交通、物流及供应链 物流、交通及供应链

香港位於亚洲中心地带,是国际物流和贸易的战略要地。因此,物流和运输行业对香港的成功至关重要。没有高效的供应链管理,贸易和商业无法蓬勃发展。香港大学专业进修学院(HKU SPACE)在过去30多年中,一直提供物流、运输、海事、航空和供应链管理等相关课程,以帮助有兴趣的人获得职业和专业知识及资格,从而加入或进一步发展这个行业。
课程涵盖证书、文凭、学士和硕士学位等不同程度,其中大多数课获得特许物流与运输学会的专业认证。其中, 物流与运输管理专业文凭的毕业生更可完全豁免特许会员(CMILT)的教育要求,因此这个课程亦成为获得这一专业资格的最受欢迎途径之一。
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) - Logistics Industry
6 项结果
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This programme is in collaboration with the Plymouth University, UK. It aims to develop your understanding of current management issues through contemporary case studies, government legislation and philosophical, ethical and environmental debates. You’ll increase your knowledge of issues in the global supply chain involving logistics, customer service and transportation, and undertake a research module introducing you to the research process and sources of data used in international logistics. It is practically designed for those who are interested in or working in the logistics industry, and many of its graduates are presently employed in global shipping and logistical businesses.
Start To be advised
Duration 1.5 years to 5 years
开课日期 2025年4月14日 (星期一)
修业期 24个月至72个月
课程费用 HK$6500
The programme provides an overview of the mechanical, electrical, electronic and computer system that controls the safe passage and movements of trains on a railway line. It aims to provide a holistic view of the engineering principles, design and operational constraints and considerations as well as component evolutions of the equipment which collectively is known as the railway signalling system.
Start 09 JUN 2025 (MON)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$8200
有否想过每个愉快旅程背后的运作和飞行计划的准备? 此课程为学生介绍基本航空运作知识,以协助学生作为升学及将来投身航空业之准备。学员有机会透过课堂讲解、参观模拟飞行实验室等,深入了解航空业的运作。
开课日期 2025年7月23日 (星期三)
修业期 7日
课程费用 HK$3,600
有否想过每个愉快旅程背后的运作和飞行计划的准备? 此课程为对航班运作有兴趣的学员介绍基本航空运作知识。学员有机会透过课堂讲解、参观模拟飞行实验室等,深入了解航班的运作。
开课日期 待定
修业期 24小时
课程费用 HK$3600

The programme “Bachelor of Aviation Management”, in collaboration with the Swinburne University of Technology from Australia, aims to produce graduates who seek to play a key role in bringing changes to the aviation industry. Students gain insight into how airlines and airports operate to prepare them for management roles in the aviation industry. Students gain a sound professional understanding of the aviation industry and its associated environment, as well as skills in organizational, regulatory, safety, technical as well as business management.
Start 01 SEP 2025 (MON)
Duration 18 months to 36 months