商业及管理 航运管理
3 项结果
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This programme aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills about the latest trends in digitalisation and new technology with a focus on the impacts in logistics industry. Students will acquire basic knowledge and practical skills for exploring alternative digital solutions to boost operational efficiency in logistics organisations.
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7,000

This programme is in collaboration with the University of Plymouth, UK, and you’ll be introduced to key elements of national maritime policies, governance and operations around port and transport activities, international logistics and developments in these areas – all within the context of globalisation and for better understanding of developments of ports and terminals. It's practically designed for those who are interested or working in shipping, maritime-related and logistics industry.
Start 28 MAR 2025 (FRI)
Duration 1.5 years
Fee HK$110,250 per programme (in 3 instalments, all fees are subject to change without prior notice.)
The programme is offered in collaboration with Hong Kong Shippers' Council. It provides a comprehensive training in various aspects of shipping and logistics which suit the training needs of practitioners in the field and trainees who need to acquire a wide range of basic knowledge within a short period.
Start 21 JAN 2025 (TUE)
Duration 8 months
Fee HK$8,980