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The programme aims to introduce to students a comprehensive and structured knowledge of flight operations in the business aviation sector, including flight coordination management, flight dispatching management, flight planning and scheduling, crew administration, business aviation aircraft model types, configurations as well as the regulatory requirements and laws. The programme also introduces a wide range of operational environments of business/private aircraft in different places (e.g. Hong Kong, The Greater China, US, Europe, Middle East, Africa).
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$12,000 per programme
The programme aims to familiarize students with the key functions of business aviation management, which encompasses stakeholder management, legal and compliance, financial management, sale and marketing management, business development, as well as human resources management. A wide range of best practices in business aviation will be drawn from different continents, so that students will have a comprehensive and professional understanding of management knowledge and skills to deal with a variety of people, tasks and business needs in the business aviation sector.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$12,000 per programme
開課日期 待定
修業期 30小時
課程費用 學費 : HK$10,500 (包括教科書,品嚐 30-40 種不同風格日本酒類的費用)
This programme is designed to provide a sound introduction to coffee and coffee brewing for those who are interested in deepening their coffee knowledge.
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$17,100* per programme inclusive of:
1.) Learning materials in English
2.) Coffee tasting for various types of coffee beans
3.) Test Fee for SCA "Introduction to Coffee" qualification
4.) Test Fee for SCA "Brewing Foundation" qualification
5.) Test Fee for SCA "Brewing Intermediate" qualification
6.) SCA certificate(s) (soft-copy) for each qualification upon successful completion

Note: A Student Service fee of USD 50 for SCA “Introduction to Coffee” Examination, USD 50 for SCA “Brewing Foundation” Examination, and USD 50 for SCA "Brewing Intermediate" Examination will be paid by students directly to SCA, and this is an additional fee on top of the tuition fee (i.e. HK$17,100) to HKU SPACE.
“Specialty coffee” is about all people involved in the coffee value chain work in harmony and maintain a keen focus on standards and excellence from start to finish, and these people include the coffee farmer, the green coffee buyer, the roaster, the barista, and the consumer.

This programme is designed to provide a sound introduction to essential barista skills, so that students could learn a range of complex job functions found in the barista profession.
Start 25 OCT 2024 (FRI)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$17,100 per programme inclusive of:
1.) Learning materials in English
2.) Coffee tasting and hands-on practice
3.) Test Fee for SCA "Barista Skills Foundation" qualification
4.) Test Fee for SCA "Barista Skills Intermediate" qualification
5.) SCA certificate(s) (soft-copy) for each qualification upon successful completion

Note: A Student Service fee of USD 50 for SCA “Barista Skills Foundation” Examination and USD 50 for SCA “Barista Skills Intermediate” Examination will be paid by students directly to SCA, and this is an additional fee on top of the tuition fee (i.e. HK$17,100) to HKU SPACE.
This programme is designed to provide essential knowledge on the concepts of specialty coffee sensory evaluation in a practical and interactive manner. Students gain insight into identifying specialty coffee qualities, as well as an overview of how to implement this in business.
Start 20 OCT 2024 (SUN)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$17,100 per programme inclusive of:
1.) Learning materials in English
2.) Coffee tasting and hands-on practice
3.) Test Fee for SCA "Sensory Skills Foundation" qualification
4.) Test Fee for SCA "Sensory Skills Intermediate" qualification
5.) SCA certificate(s) (soft-copy) for each qualification upon successful completion

Note: A Student Service fee of USD 50 for SCA “Sensory Skills Foundation” Examination and USD 50 for SCA “Sensory Skills Intermediate” Examination will be paid by students directly to SCA, and this is an additional fee on top of the tuition fee (i.e. HK$17,100) to HKU SPACE.
開課日期 2025年1月9日 (星期四)
修業期 30小時
課程費用 學費 : HK$12,000,包括:
1.) WSET 葡萄酒第二級認證教材 (繁體中文教科書及教材)
2.) 可品嚐近70款不同國家的葡萄酒,其中近20款酒為法國葡萄酒
3.) 葡萄酒與食物搭配
4.) WSET 葡萄酒第二級認證考試費用 (繁體中文卷)
5.) WSET 葡萄酒第二級認證證書及襟章
This programme is designed to provide a thorough understanding of the factors that account for the style, quality and price of the principal still, sparkling and fortified wines of the world.
Start To be advised
Duration 39 hours
Fee HK$12,500 per programme inclusive of:
1.) Student study pack for WSET Level 3 Award in Wines in English
2.) at least 75 Wines for tasting
3.) Test Fee for WSET Level 3 Award in Wines qualification
4.) WSET certificates & pins
This programme is designed to provide a more comprehensive level of focused spirits knowledge required to underpin job skills and competencies, and it would be particularly suitable for those who work in bar service and cocktails, retail and wholesaling spirits businesses. On the other hand, this programme is also suitable for those people who have general interests and are enthusiastic in spirits, or who directly and indirectly work with spirits professionally.
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$10,500 per programme inclusive of:
1.) Study Guide for WSET Level 1 Award in Spirits in English
2.) Student study pack for WSET Level 2 Award in Spirits in English
3.) at least 35 Spirits for tasting
4.) Site visit to a cocktail bar
5.) Test Fee for WSET Level 1 Award in Spirits qualification
6.) Test Fee for WSET Level 2 Award in Spirits qualification
7.) WSET certificates & pins
This programme is intended for people who have little or no prior knowledge of wines. It is suitable to those wine enthusiasts so that they can deepen and broaden their wine knowledge for social and leisure purpose; and those who wish to work with wines as part of a larger beverage portfolio in the retail, wholesale and hospitality sectors.
Start 12 OCT 2024 (SAT)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$12,000 per programme inclusive of:
1.) Study Guide for WSET Level 1 Award in Wines in English
2.) Student study pack for WSET Level 2 Award in Wines in English
3.) about 58 Wines for tasting
4.) Test Fee for WSET Level 1 Award in Wines qualification
5.) Test Fee for WSET Level 2 Award in Wines qualification
6.) WSET certificates & pins


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