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This part-time programme aims to produce graduates who can critically review the processes and practices that are central to professions within sport management. It is designed to provide an academically and vocationally relevant curriculum that will stimulate students to become active learners, question existing practice and develop effective evaluative skills in a sport and recreation management setting.
Start To be advised
Duration 3 years
Fee The tuition fee* for 2024/25 intake is HK$145,107 for the whole programme, payable in three installments.

* The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.
Regenerative medicine is about the repair or replacement of damaged cells, tissues, and organs in relation to more than one of the following fields: cell and molecular biology, material science and engineering, immunology and genetics, physiology and pharmacology and even surgery and transplantation. Due to the recent rapid  development of regenerative medicine technology, there are many business opportunities of regenerative medicine in medical areas available to people.
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$6800
The programme provides students with a foundation in drug safety and pharmacovigilance principles so as to enable them to be competent in the field. Staff who are working in pharmaceutical production, import/export of pharmaceuticals, retailing and wholesaling of pharmaceuticals, procurement and supply of pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical regulatory affairs department, risk communication for the drug safety and/or pharmaceutical education can apply.
Start 28 MAR 2025 (FRI)
Duration 10 months
Fee HK$12,000


開課日期 待定
修業期 9個月
課程費用 HK$16,300
开课日期 待定
修业期 40小时
课程费用 HK$8,450


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