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If you don't experiment with Blockchain, you will be in danger of falling behind!

Blockchain technology continues to grow in importance across multiple industries and professions around the world.  The accounting and auditing profession is no exception.
Companies are using blockchain to improve enterprise resource planning (ERP), especially in areas such as supplier management and procurement. Some even dabble in cybersecurity and sustainable database planning with the help of blockchain technology.
Start To be advised
Duration 3 months
Fee HK$7000
開課日期 待定
修業期 216小時
課程費用 每科學費 HK$3000,四科合共 HK$12000
Programme Objectives
The programme aims to equip students with knowledge and impact of digitalisation on tax administration and operation.
Programme Structure and Delivery
The proposed new Executive Certificate in Tax Digitalisation will be a 30-hour short course. Students can learn both concepts and theories about the impact of digitalisation on taxation through lectures and case-studies.  Practitioners will be invited to share their experience through the guest lectures. 
Medium of instruction is English, supplemented with Cantonese.
Start To be advised
Duration 2 months to 3 months
Fee HK$7,000
The workshop aims to provide executives with practical knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as well as discuss various areas of Business Analytics to assist business and financial decision making. The applications of AI in the areas of business and finance will be discussed.
Start 16 JUL 2024 (TUE)
Duration 5 hours
Fee Course Fee: $2900 per programme (* course fees are subject to change without prior notice)
The workshop aims to provide executives with basic concepts and knowledge about Big Data as well as develop their skills in process Big Data. It provides a practical approach for executives to apply computational tool (e.g., Tableau) to perform data visualization and analyse data for business and financial decision making.
Start 15 AUG 2024 (THU)
Duration 5 hours
Fee Course Fee: $2900 per programme (* course fees are subject to change without prior notice)
The workshop aims to provide executives with the latest development of FinTech and related technological elements. Solutions and applications using in finance and investment as well as cyber-security will be covered.
Start 11 SEP 2024 (WED)
Duration 5 hours
Fee Course Fee: $2900 per programme (* course fees are subject to change without prior notice)
This programme aims to provide students with the knowledge of risk management and quantitative analysis using computational tools. It discusses the development of financial markets and investment products for financial risk management. In addition, it covers practical valuation and applications of risk models for financial risk management.
Start To be advised
Duration 2 months to 3 months
Fee HK$8500
開課日期 2024年8月27日 (星期二)
修業期 2個星期
課程費用 HK$2200
開課日期 2024年8月10日 (星期六)
修業期 1日
課程費用 HK$2200
開課日期 2024年10月19日 (星期六)
修業期 1個星期
課程費用 HK$2200


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