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专业实践学科主题 - 创新、创业与策略

微证书是根据个人节奏、时间和兴趣的个人化学习计划,课程以技能为基础及以专业为导向。适合任何希望推进事业发展、提升技能、转换职业,甚至只是追求兴趣的人。以下是 “创新、创业与策略”主题的课程。更多主题和课程详情请参阅此处

The aim of this programme is to provide advanced knowledge and key skills which enable the company secretaries or governance professionals to perform as chief adviser to the board, management and other stakeholders on corporate governance’s best practice.  Furthermore, act as the facilitator for the application of good governance through a wide range of organisations and corporation. It also prepares candidates to write the professional examinations of the Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme, which is recognized worldwide. It is the students' responsibility to determine whether they are eligible to participate in the CGQP examination. 
Start 17 MAR 2025 (MON)
Duration 3 months
Fee HK$4,900
The aim of this programme is for students to develop, evaluate and apply the knowledge and concept in the discipline of risk management, including how risk management links to compliance management which enhance effective corporate governance in corporations, organisations and prepare candidates to write the professional examinations of the Chartered Governance Qualifying Programme, which is recognized worldwide. It is the students' responsibility to determine whether they are eligible to participate in the CGQP examination. 
Start 21 MAR 2025 (FRI)
Duration 3 months
Fee HK$4,900
With the integration of HK with the Greater Bay Area to develop innovation and technology, the knowledge of IP rights is increasingly important to the business and innovation sectors.   Given this, the IP rights and legislation in Hong Kong and Mainland are included in the syllabus to address the needs created by GBA development. 
Start To be advised
Duration 3 months
Fee HK$7800


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