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专业实践学科主题 -风险管理

微证书是根据个人节奏、时间和兴趣的个人化学习计划,课程以技能为基础及以专业为导向。适合任何希望推进事业发展、提升技能、转换职业,甚至只是追求兴趣的人。以下是 “风险管理”主题的课程。更多主题和课程详情请参阅此处

This preparatory course aims to provide tuition support to students for studying the MSc in Professional Accountancy, University of London (UCL). 

This programme seeks to provide knowledge, understanding, and skills to apply tools to investment opportunities. As such it sets out to develop skills in a range of areas which contribute to the construction of a robust business case which demonstrates that key risks have been identified, analysed, and evaluated. Such areas would include data analysis, structuring decisions, building decision models, risk assessment, and trade-offs. By the end the programme, students would be able to identify and select appropriate types of analysis to improve decision making under uncertainty and add value.

Start 07 APR 2025 (MON)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$7500
The programme aims to provide students with technical knowledge to help organisations adopt FinTech to cope with the changing risk environment. It also equips them with practical skills to effectively identify, assess, monitor and manage risks when using new financial technologies.
Start To be advised
Duration 2 months to 2.5 months
Fee HK$7500


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