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HKU SPACE x University of Hull 市场学课程 ・ 助你事业闯高峰

​HKU SPACE 及英国著名的赫尔大学(University of Hull)合办学位课程。赫尔大学为英国毕业生就业率最高首十间大学之一。在香港开办的市场学和市场及管理学学位课程,全部均为香港资历架构认可第5级课程。随著商业市场迅速的变化,数码及社交媒体的发展,不单止改变了我们的日常生活习惯,更改变了传统的市场营销手法。你需要进修专业的市场学课程,扩阔你的视野,助你事业闯高峰!




  • 赫尔大学的市场学於英国排名第21位;管理学排名38位

  • 12个月内只需完成 9 科 (全日制)或18个月内只需完成 9 科 (兼读制 ),可获取英国学士学位

  • 无需考试

  • 香港学术及职业资历评审局认可为资历架构第五级 (QF Level 5)

  • 已获英国特许市务学会(CIM)认可

  • 提供持续进修基金,政府贷款计划

  • 提供实习机会

  • 修读英语授课之高级文凭/副学士课程(HD/AD)的毕业生无需 IELTS     

现正招生!请即报名 !  

AN1   LM1


HKU SPACE Logo             hull


*This is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead.

Both programmes are accredited by HKCAAVQ and recognised as QF Level 5.

Registration No.: 15/002103/L5  &  15/002105/L5.

Valid from 1 Sep 2015 to 31 Aug 2029

该如何善用CEF,选择适合自己的进修课程?【增值】 - Spencer Lam English TeamContinuing Education Fund Reimbursable Course Continuing Education Fund Reimbursable Course (selected modules only)
Some modules of this course have been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund.
AACSB is held by less than 5% of the world's 13,000 business programmes. 
The Hull MBA provides an internationally recognised qualification and is accredited by the Association of MBA.

现正招生!请即报名! AN1   LM1

The BA (Hons) Marketing and Management programme equips students with the latest marketing and management knowledge such as marketing communications, digital marketing, social media, brand management, strategic management, etc. It aims to uplift students’ competitiveness and employability in job market. With professional training, students will be able to develop effective marketing and management strategies to solve business problems in competitive business environment.
Start 09 JAN 2025 (THU)
Duration 18 months
This programme provides you with practical knowledge and vocational skills in marketing. You will be able to apply effective marketing strategies, digital and social media marketing techniques and persuasive communication tactics in different market environment and equipped with analytical skills and critical thinking ability. This programme will also help you to develop your critical thinking and analytical skills.
Start 09 JAN 2025 (THU)
Duration 18 months
This programme is designed for those wishing to pursue a range of careers in the private and public sectors. The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Marketing and Management programme aims to provide students with a thorough knowledge and understanding of both the philosophy and functions of marketing. It also aims to help students acquire up-to-date management practice and experience, develop core marketing and management skills such as designing market strategy and developing persuasive communications.
Start To be advised
Duration 12 months
This programme is designed for those wishing to pursue a range of careers in the private and public sectors. The Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Marketing programme provides students with a thorough knowledge and understanding of both the philosophy and functions of integrated marketing communications and brand management. Students will develop core marketing skills such as analysing consumer behaviour, designing market strategy, developing effective integrated marketing communications plan and formulating advertising and public relations strategies. Students will learn to recognise and respond to the complexities of modern global business environment with a sense of social responsibility.
Start To be advised
Duration 12 months


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