Social Sciences Psychology & Counselling
The Information Seminar on 1 August 2024 is on zoom, here is the link:
Topic: PGDIPBC Admissions Information Seminar
Time: Aug 1, 2024 07:30 PM Hong Kong SAR
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Meeting ID: 970 4150 8368
Password: 978877
Programme Overview
- A creative collaboration between HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies, a local academic expert in Buddhism, and the College of Life Science and Technology, HKU SPACE (“Smart Wellness and Sustainability” Programmes), a local expert in professional training.
- Our academic team consists of highly qualified experts in Buddhist Counselling, Buddhist studies, psychology, and psychiatry.
Programme Details
Programme Objectives
The programme aims to equip qualified professional Buddhist counsellors with advanced knowledge and practical skills in Buddhist counselling and professional psychology. Through supervised practicums in Buddhist counselling as well as modules taught, the programme fosters strong Buddhist counselling competency in the areas of knowledge, care, ethics, and professionalism. The programme also aims to ensure that the professional training offered is comparable to the standards of counselling promulgated by local and international professional bodies such as the Association of Professional Chaplains in the U.S. (APC), Spiritual Care Association, and the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association Limited (HKPCA). The programme is designed to develop and challenge students to become ethical, compassionate, and competent Buddhist counsellors to reduce suffering in the immediate community using multiple skillful means.
Programme Intended Learning Outcomes
On completion of the programme, students should be able to:
- Critically review the theories and concepts of psychopathology and the biological basis of psychological disorders and medical disorders with psychological correlates;
- Identify, critically analyse, and offer original as well as creative insights to the multifaceted social influence on behaviour, group dynamics, organizational behaviour, institutional culture and systems, and systemic relationships ;
- Apply and maintain Buddhist ethics in the work of professional caring for clients;
- Conduct primary research on Buddhist counselling based on thorough and relevant literature review studies to inform professional practice;
- Use advanced and specialised Buddhist counselling skills to deal with issues of various complexity in the context of spiritual, psychological, and emotional care provided to those in their charge .
- This programme will cover Five core competencies: Spiritual Formation, Knowledge, Care, Ethics, and Professionalism.
- On the basis of studies of Psychopathology, Social & Organizational Psychology, Professional Ethics, and Advanced Research Methods, there is an intensive field practicum component of 800 supervised clinical hours.
Assessment Methods
The assessments include assignments, individual/ group presentations, roleplays, written examinations and Practicum's evaluations.
Upon completion of the programme and pass the assessments, students will be awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE a "Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice of Buddhist Counselling".
Lectures are mainly conducted on weekday evenings and weekends. Schedule of Practicum sessions will be determined at a later stage.
Application Code | 2265-HS186A | Apply Online Now |
Apply Online Now |
Modules & Class Details
- Psychopathology: Biological Basis, Diagnosis, and Treatment
- Social Psychology for Buddhist Counsellors
- Professional Ethics in Buddhist Counselling
- Advanced Research Methods in Buddhist Counselling
- Field Practicum of Buddhist Counselling
Fee & Entry Requirements
Course Fee- The fee is generously sponsored by Lee Fung Kung Wah (Mrs Simon K Y Lee)
Entry Requirements
Applicants should have:
The master’s degree in Buddhist Counselling from The University of Hong Kong or equivalent (graduate degree from an accredited college, university, or theological school in Buddhist counselling or Buddhist Chaplaincy or Buddhist related area of counselling or other closely related areas).
Applicants who wish to be admitted to the programme on the basis of a qualification from a university or a comparable institution where the language of teaching and/or examination is not English are required to obtain:
- A score of 550 or above (paper-based test) or 80 or above (internet-based test) in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Applicants who take the TOEFL should request the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to send hard copies of official score report to HKU SPACE directly. Original/certified copy of the Examinee’s score record will not be accepted; OR
- A minimum overall band of 6.5 with no subtest lower than 5.5 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
Note: The TOEFL or IELTS result should be obtained within the two years before the date of application.
Applicants must submit THREE letters of recommendation from recommenders outside of the Master of Buddhist Counselling Programme and may be invited to attend an interview.
Online Application Apply Now
Application Form Download Application Form
Enrolment MethodThe completed application form with the relevant documents* should be submitted by the following methods on or before the application deadline.
1. Online Enrolment
- Complete the online application form
- Upload a clear electronic copy of the following documents* with the image type of doc, docx, jpg and pdf and image resolution is 300dpi or above
- Photo of the documents is NOT accepted
2. In Person / Mail
- by mailing to HKU SPACE, Smart Wellness and Sustainability Subject Group, 13/F, Fortress Tower, 250 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong (Attention to: Miss Maggie Ho)
- in person at any of the HKU SPACE Enrolment Centres
*Each application must be accompanied by the following photocopied documents:
- Certified certificate of master’s degree in Buddhist Counselling; and
- Certified transcripts of master’s degree in Buddhist Counselling; and
- THREE letters of recommendation from recommenders outside of the Master of Buddhist Counselling Programme; and
- Hong Kong identity card or passport; and/or
- IELTS/ TOEFL result (if applicable):
- IELTS result letter; or
- TOEFL official score report (hard copies MUST be sent from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to HKU SPACE directly, original/certified copy of the Examinee’s score record will not be accepted)
Applicants will be asked to present HKID or passport for verification if applying in person at enrolment counters
The fee is generously sponsored by Lee Fung Kung Wah (Mrs Simon K Y Lee)
About the Partners
Partner Details
The Centre of Buddhist Studies of The University of Hong Kong was established in 2000 and is the first of its kind in Hong Kong to promote the study of and research into all aspects of Buddhism and its relevance to the world of today.
The Centre is the first of its kind in Hong Kong and has been offering a broad range of Buddhist studies programmes at postgraduate research (MPhil/PhD), taught Master and undergraduate levels. The degrees are awarded through the Faculty of Arts. The courses cover a wide range of topics including Indian Buddhism, Chinese Mahayana, Buddhist Canonical languages, Buddhist Counselling, applied aspects of Buddhist Studies and many others. They are offered by a team of renowned Buddhist scholars from around the world.
Programme Sponsor
With the generous donation and support by Lee Fung Kung Wah (Mrs Simon K Y Lee), this programme is launched to provide professional training in Buddhist chaplaincy and counselling. Mrs. Lee’s benevolence has enabled more qualified Buddhist counsellors to serve the community in the future.
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