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The MSc in Marketing is a two-year part-time programme jointly offered by Edinburgh Napier University and HKU SPACE since Year 2000. The programme aimed to equip students with the knowledge and intellectual capabilities to successfully develop a career in marketing management.
Start To be advised
Duration 24 months to 28 months
Fee HK$99,000 (payable in two instalments)
The MSc in Marketing with Festival and Event Management is a two-year part-time programmes jointly offered by Edinburgh Napier University and HKU SPACE since Year 2010. Edinburgh Napier is based in one of the most important global destinations for tourism, festival and events. The University's postgraduate programmes were developed to support international tourism and event management development. The programmes aimed to equip students with the knowledge and intellectual capabilities to successfully develop a career in marketing, festival and event management.
Start To be advised
Duration 24 months to 28 months
Fee HK$99,000 (payable in two instalments)

"The Power of Digital Marketing" Workshop Series

Facebook 營銷實戰  

建立Facebook page,相信大家並不陌生,但營銷人員往往未能充分掌握如何利用Facebook,作為品牌形象建立及接觸消費者的信息交流平台。此工作坊提供Facebook 營銷最新資訊,助學員掌握 Facebook 營銷。

開課日期 待定
修業期 1日
課程費用 : HK$1,800

早鳥優惠: HK$1,600 (於2022年2月27日或之前報名)

校友優惠: HK$1,600 (校友優惠不可網上報名, 須親臨各教學中心報名)
This programme provides a firm foundation to equip you with knowledge and skills in developing brand strategies and managing brands in a multi-cultural market environment. It also prepares you for higher education at degree level and career advancement in brand management in a competitive market environment.
Start 04 MAR 2025 (TUE)
Duration 20 months to max. 40 months
Fee HK$4,250 per module (subject to change without prior notice)
The rapid development in digital technology and new social media massively reshaped the advertising industry and the public relations (‘PR’) practices and communications.  This programme is a fast track to equip executives in marketing, advertising or PR with new knowledge and skills in digital advertising, psychology in advertising, social media, consumer behaviour, and multimedia writing, etc., in order to enhance their market competitiveness.
Start 04 MAR 2025 (TUE)
Duration 20 months to max. 40 months
Fee HK$4,250 per module (Subject to change without prior notice)
This programme aims to provide students with knowledge on up-to-date digital, social media and content marketing strategies and tactics. It also provides hands-on and practical techniques and tools for students to build the essential skills and strategic mindset to bolster their brand in the digital age.
開課日期 待定
修業期 3個月
課程費用 HK$6,750


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