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艺术、设计及文化 设计







Programmes Type









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The programme offers a combination of academic study with creative and professional practice in a project-led curriculum that draws on a range of interdisciplinary perspectives and address the needs of managerial professionals who work in the local design industry, as well as those who work in non-design areas and are looking for a new thinking approach to resolve complex design and management-related issues.
Start 05 SEP 2025 (FRI)
Duration 24 months
Fee HK$150,000* (Payable in four equal installments)
*The tuition fee is subject to annual review.

The  BA (Hons) Media Production* programme will enable the students to develop skills, knowledge and understanding in media production across all media platforms as well as digital media production skills. It will give students a broad understanding and engagement of the dynamics of the creative economy and the role of media in society and the economy at a global level, to prepare students to create pathways towards employment as creative professionals in a range of contexts from digital media production companies to online storytelling.

Start 23 SEP 2024 (MON)
Duration 24 months
Fee Course fee: HK$132,000 (payable in 6 instalments)
This programme aims to provide a basic understanding of art and design for beginners and those who have some knowledge of art to develop their artistic skills and creative ability. Students are to choose 5 modules from our regular programme and complete special assignments.
Start 17 JUL 2024 (WED)
Duration 1.5 years to 3 years
Fee Fees paid are not refundable
1. Supervision Fee: HK$4,500 (One-off payment; payable at the time of registration)
2. Module Fee: See individual course description (Payable at the time of individual course enrolment)
This programme focuses on equipping junior graphic design practitioners and students without proper training in the field with both design fundamentals and practical skills in visual communication. It will enable them to use the creative process of design as a means of problem-solving and let them understand the role of communication designer through practice.

QF Level

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QF Level: 3

QR Registration No.: 22/000252/L3

Validity Period: from 01 Jun 2022 - on-going

Start 02 SEP 2024 (MON)
Duration 12 months
Fee Total course fee: $39,800 in 2 instalments ($27,860 & $11,940)
This programme provides an introduction to User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design principles and practices for students. Students will learn how to create user-centered designs that effectively communicate and engage with target audiences across various digital platforms. Through a combination of theoretical concepts and hands-on exercises, students will develop their understanding of UX/UI design principles, information architecture, prototyping, usability testing, and Graphical User Interface (GUI) design elements.
Start 18 OCT 2024 (FRI)
Duration 30 hours
This programme requires students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in this programme to create a self-initiated design project. Project topics are expected to be wide-ranging which include but not limited to personal, commercial, social, and cultural aspects in Hong Kong.
Start 07 JUL 2025 (MON)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$6360
  • 提升室內設計師及相關行業工作人士對於室內設計工程物料及人體工學應用的概念和知識;
  • 讓學員掌握使用創新物料與環境可持續性的基礎概念;
  • 更新學員在室內設計產品行業市場、新物料的應用方法、技術和工具等方面的知識;
  • 讓學員就室內設計工程的材料應用和相關的關鍵問題(如可持續性、承傳、安全等)分享見解並製定工作原則。
開課日期 待定
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$5000
本課程旨在教授學員基本三維電腦動畫設計的知識,重點教授軟件Autodesk 3ds Max的功能和特性,令學員掌握三維圖像設計及動畫製作的技巧,對三維物件的外觀、環境光源、層次空間等的處理有基本認識,並嘗試創造各樣的仿真數碼效果。
開課日期 待定
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$6,300
本課程旨在教授學員基本電腦互動設計的知識,重點教授軟件Unity 的功能和特性,令學員掌握運用Unity專業軟件的技巧,對三維空間的設計、鏡頭及環境光源、層次物件互動等的處理有基本認識,並嘗試創造各樣的擴增實境(Augmented Reality)效果。
開課日期 待定
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$6,300
本課程旨在教授學員認識 Adobe Photoshop 整個操作介面,重點教授相片處理,包括圖像色彩調校、相片修復、影像合成等等,讓學員掌握 Adobe Photoshop 的基本技能,並在不同情況下處理數碼影像。
開課日期 待定
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$6,300