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专业实践学科主题 - 地球科学

微证书是根据个人节奏、时间和兴趣的个人化学习计划,课程以技能为基础及以专业为导向。适合任何希望推进事业发展、提升技能、转换职业,甚至只是追求兴趣的人。以下是 “地球科学”主题的课程。更多主题和课程详情请参阅此处

The programme aims at introducing students with different commonly used geophysical methods and in-situ testing and sampling techniques, including methods for monitoring water level, penetration tests, land and marine geophysical surveys and downhole logging. Student are expected to gain an understanding on the applicability and limitations of the methods in various geotechnical situations.
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The programme aims at introducing geotechnics theories and their applications. It covers soil mechanics, site formation, stability of slopes and the foundation design.
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The programme aims at introducing fundamental description and the classification of soils; mechanical concepts including the effective stress concept, strength of soils, consolidation, settlement and testing procedures.
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This programme aims to provide both hand-on field experience and class-based learning. It introduces basic geological field and mapping techniques, use of geological equipment and air photographs, as well as an overview of geological structures such as faults, folds and joints.
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This programme is designed for those working on all aspects of environmental, social and governance (ESG) planning in business and finance.
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Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$9,900


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