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专业实践学科主题 -语言及文化

微证书是根据个人节奏、时间和兴趣的个人化学习计划,课程以技能为基础及以专业为导向。适合任何希望推进事业发展、提升技能、转换职业,甚至只是追求兴趣的人。以下是 “语言及文化”主题的课程。更多主题和课程详情请参阅此处


The programme examines the benefits and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) in translation, including its impacts on the quality of translations, the role of human translators, and the potential ethical issues. It will also explore how AI can be used to improve the efficiency and accuracy of translation through machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques. Students will learn to collaborate with AI to provide translation for a variety of text types, including general documents, marketing materials, and literary texts.
Start 16 OCT 2024 (WED)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$5,700


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