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Summer School 2024



开课日期 2024年7月16日 (星期二)
修业期 2个星期
课程费用 HK$1,750
开课日期 2024年7月30日 (星期二)
修业期 2个星期
课程费用 HK$1,750
開課日期 2024年7月16日 (星期二)
修業期 4個星期
課程費用 HK$2,300
为有旨在DSE 考取韩语能力测验(TOPIK)3级或以上的青少年开设。本院今年夏季特别为中学生(15-18岁) 开设暑期精读班,旨在提供坚实的韩语基础和成功通过考试所需的技能,帮助他们在考试中取得3级或以上的成绩。
开课日期 2024年7月15日 (星期一)
修业期 30小时
课程费用 HK$3,000

Get ready to impress with good results for International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Acquire essential skills and strategies for success, and a clear idea of your current English language abilities.

Start 22 JUL 2024 (MON)
Duration 6 weeks
Fee HK$4,000
The course aims to help HKDSE candidates develop their English communication skills, both in group interaction and in individual presentation.
Every student will be given highly useful tips for success in mastering English speaking skills in an interactive way, participate in mock practice in speaking activities, including a group discussion of 3 or 4 students lasting up to 8 minutes and an individual response lasting one minute per student.  Highly constructive feedback from the teacher will be given immediately after each round of mock practice. Students’ improvement areas will also be summarised, and a debriefing session will be conducted at the end each session.
Given the teacher’s solid experience of teaching and assessing secondary school students in Hong Kong, the input and feedback before and after the language activities will be highly useful for the students’ speaking skills development and self-improvement which ultimately benefit their HKDSE performance.
Start 22 JUL 2024 (MON)
Duration 18 hours
Fee HK$1,500

For secondary school students of English Literature, teachers, and adults, who want an introduction to the works of William Shakespeare and of the Romantic and the Modern periods — this course opens the door to these areas of focus.

Start 15 JUL 2024 (MON)
Duration 6 weeks
Fee HK$2,400


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