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语言 英文


Summer School 2024 Banner


|  通用英语  |  英语文学研读  |  专业及商务英语  |  学术英语  |  

企业及非谋利机构英语培训客制化课程   |  高端人才专业英语培训(高才通 )  |

英语能力评核 与 国际英语考试备试课程   | 

《活学英语 创展未来》

香港大学专业进修学院(HKU SPACE)提供基础至文凭的英语课程,以配合学员不同的教育背景、语文程度及学习需要。

学院的通用英语(General English)课程,重点教授语法、写作、拼音、聆听会话及词汇运用。大部份课程由资深外籍导师任教。课堂活动多元化,包括角色扮演及游戏等,使学员能够活学活用。部分课程设有网上教材,鼓励网上及流动学习(e-learning & m-learning),让学员可在任何时间或地点学习英语。

此外,学院在商业英语(Business English)的教学极具经验。导师均是业内人士,教授有关撰写报告、电邮、演辞、业务磋商、洽谈用语等技巧,务求提升在职学员的自信,在不同场合灵活地运用英语。



LINGUASKILL (领思) – 的剑桥英语基准测试

桥大学英语考评部为企业及机构提供了一种快速、便捷的方法来评估员工的英语水平 - Linguaskill (领思)测试。

  • Linguaskill General (剑桥领思通用测试)
  • Linguaskill Business (剑桥领思商业测试)
  • Linguaskill(领思)测试与持续进修基金
  • 对个人学习者的好处 
  • 对企业的好处
  • 计划移民者的好处 
  • HKDSE考生的好处 
  • 对於大学申请人的好处
  • Linguaskill (领思) 测试报告和欧洲语言通用参考框架(CEFR)
  • 关於香港的Linguaskill (领思)考试,请浏览:




Programmes Type









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Active Grammar 2 develops your language at a higher level than Active Grammar 1, and builds on and enhances the skills learned there.  However, as long as you meet the entry requirements, you can gain direct entry into Active Grammar 2 without doing Active Grammar 1.
Start To be advised
Duration 15 weeks
Fee HK$3,700
If you are taking the IELTS test and want to maximise your potential and chances of success, this 45-hour course provides you with essential exam strategies and valuable practice in key language areas. The course offers you invaluable practice and teacher guidance when completing test assignments. Timely feedback is available from the tutor, who is a native speaker of English.
Start 18 JUL 2024 (THU)
Duration 15 weeks
Fee HK$4,500

This course aims to give students a working understanding of stylistics so that they may employ stylistic techniques in their own work.
Stylistic analysis is the identification and description of style features in written (and spoken) language to explain how such stylistic features evoke particular feelings and responses, intended by the author, in the mind of the reader (or listener). The discipline relates linguistic facts (linguistic description) to meaning (interpretation) in as objective and explicit a way as possible, given that some stylistic techniques can be indirect and have a subliminal effect. In short, we aim to understand how skilled authors subtly influence the delivery of meaning.
The course provides guided critical readings of a wide variety of texts of different genres (fiction, drama, poetry, advertising, business, journalism, legal texts, etc.) to expand students’ lexical and rhetorical repertoire, and to apply the skills and vocabulary thereby gained through working on:
Start 18 JUL 2024 (THU)
Duration 6 weeks
Fee $4,800
This practical 18-hour English course equips learners with the confidence and language skills needed to write effective emails in both formal and informal situations.
Start 20 JUL 2024 (SAT)
Duration 6 weeks
Fee HK$2,300

Get ready to impress with good results for International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Acquire essential skills and strategies for success, and a clear idea of your current English language abilities.

Start 22 JUL 2024 (MON)
Duration 3 weeks
Fee HK$4,000
The course aims to help HKDSE candidates develop their English communication skills, both in group interaction and in individual presentation.
Every student will be given highly useful tips for success in mastering English speaking skills in an interactive way, participate in mock practice in speaking activities, including a group discussion of 3 or 4 students lasting up to 8 minutes and an individual response lasting one minute per student.  Highly constructive feedback from the teacher will be given immediately after each round of mock practice. Students’ improvement areas will also be summarised, and a debriefing session will be conducted at the end each session.
Given the teacher’s solid experience of teaching and assessing secondary school students in Hong Kong, the input and feedback before and after the language activities will be highly useful for the students’ speaking skills development and self-improvement which ultimately benefit their HKDSE performance.
Start 22 JUL 2024 (MON)
Duration 18 hours
Fee HK$1,500
This Business Grammar short course is designed for students who need to brush up their grammar skills and understanding of grammatical rules. Students develop their ability to identify and correct grammar errors with teacher feedback and consistent grammar review.
Start 29 JUL 2024 (MON)
Duration 6 weeks
Fee HK$2,000
SPACE General English Entrance Examination - Your Passport to HKU SPACE General English Programme. All courses under the General English Programme have their own entry requirements. Applicants who do not meet the stated entry requirements have to take the SPACE General English Entrance Examination to determine the most appropriate tier they should enter.
Start 30 AUG 2024 (FRI)
Duration 1.5 hours

Incorporated with a coursebook, Everyday English for Beginners uses Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach to teach student basic vocabulary, grammar, and common phrases for daily conversation. This course is suitable for students who have limited English language skills.

日用英語入門 課程與教科書相結合,使用內容和語言綜合學習方法(CLIL)來教授學生日常對話的基本詞彙、語法和常用短語。本課程適合英語語言能力有限的學生。

Start 02 SEP 2024 (MON)
Duration 15 weeks
Fee HK$4,800

From classical Greek drama to contemporary theatre, the stage has always been an integral part of the human experience. The course looks at selective moments in the history of drama in which certain playwrights benefited fully from the history of the genre and yet departed so radically from that history. Exploring the content as well as the form of their dramatic works provides key insights into some of the most important societal and cultural issues of both past and present.

Start 04 SEP 2024 (WED)
Duration 20 hours
Fee HK$3,800