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Apr 2023

Investment Analysis with ESG ~ Opportunities & Challenges Online Seminar

Environmental, Social and Governance

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Date & time
28Apr 2023 (Fri)13:00 - 13:30
Type of Event
Online Attendance
  • Mr Stephen Chan (Part-Time Lecturer)

Mr Stephen Chan

陳先生擁有二十多年經驗的專業會計師及企業咨詢對於企業管治及合規要求有豐富經驗,並對環境、社會和管治(ESG)投資有獨到的見解。他畢業於香港理工學院會計系及香港城市大學行政工商管理碩士。 他首先在普華永道會計師事務所從事審計工作。 之後,他分別服務於香港特區政府、賽馬會、銀行、航空公司及不同上市企業。近年來,他為不同企業提供業務合規流程、企業融資及稅務諮詢。他並在不同大學擔任講師。

2520 4612 (
Relevant Programmes
證書(單元:財富增值系列:ESG投資法) Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Analytics and Algo Trading

Language: Cantonese

ESG stands for Environment, Social & Governance. Climate change and social unrest in recent years, especially new trends such as the 2020 novel coronavirus pandemic. Demand for ESG investing accelerates. Investors are increasingly using these non-financial factors as part of the analytical process to identify significant risks and growth opportunities.

This webinar will introduces the recent development on Green and Sustainable Finance in Hong Kong such as: Government Green Bonds, Grant schemes, Cross-agency collaboration, etc.

The speaker will also brief the corresponding regulatory requirements for the success on the development Green & Sustainable Finance in Hong Kong, e.g. the ESG Reporting Guideline of The Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the climate-related risk management and disclosure requirements for fund managers by The Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.