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Arts, Design & Culture Culture & Philosophy

Culture & Philosophy

Culture & Philosophy

The School is committed to offering quality courses on Chinese and world culture conducted by renowned scholars in the respective fields. These include subjects on the modern interpretation of the Chinese classics, ethnic history and culture, as well as postgraduate inter-disciplinary studies of humanities.    

Culture & Philosophy Programmes

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Hong Kong Island


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岑逸飛先生透過中西文化多重角度的分析,令學員擴展視野,學習以創意和廣闊的思維面對職場管理和人生處世的種種挑戰。在本課程中,岑逸飛先生將講授四本中國典籍 — 《西遊記》、《紅樓夢》、《水滸傳》、《三國演義》(統稱「四大名著」),並探討典籍於現代生活和管理上的應用。
開課日期 2025年7月21日 (星期一)
修業期 8個星期
課程費用 HK$3,200
Through a combination of lectures, tutorials and student presentations, this programme enables students to define methodological terms, concepts, and processes in media and cultural studies. This helps students make critical judgments on researches commonly used in media and cultural industries, and to design and apply research methodologies to research on media messages, media production and consumption. The programme also aims to equip students with the independent research skills they will need to flourish in academic and vocational contexts, and to carry out basic research in order to produce a piece of academic writing.
Start 13 MAY 2025 (TUE)
Duration 36 hours
Fee HK$10,000
The Postgraduate Diploma in Media and Cultural Critique programm aims to develop students’ critical understanding of media and cultural institutions, ideologies and policies and their relationships with social and economic reality. This programme provides a grounding in the media and then visual, socio-cultural and economic content, and makes it possible for graduates to further study in media and cultural studies, creative industries, media management and advertising.


Start 13 MAY 2025 (TUE)
Duration 7 months
Fee HK$39,000
This programme will focus on key debates on popular culture and cultural consumption in relation to the media. Issues of pleasure, politics, meaning and value will be raised in connection with a range of cultural forms. Situated historically in the twentieth century, the programme analyses the development of mass culture as a socio-economic form, and as a term emerging in relation to other media forms, such as Hollywood movies, television programmes, music, art, print and new media. A range of theoretical perspectives will inform the analysis. The consumption of popular culture is addressed through recent ethnographic and qualitative work on audiences. 
Start To be advised
Duration 36 hours
Fee HK$10,000
The main objective of this programme is to introduce students to the key theories, thinking and debates surrounding new media studies. This programme will also contextualise the social functions and cultural meanings of digital/ new media technologies and their changes in different social and historical environments. The programme will encourage students to explore different forms of new media experiences and participations, and equip students with practical digital media production skills by designing, producing and publishing creative new media projects.
Start To be advised
Duration 36 hours
Fee HK$10,000
This programme aims to introduce students to the key meanings and structures of visual culture and thus help them investigate the ways in which cultural meanings are articulated, interpreted and communicated through different forms of visual-cultural practices, such as films, photographs, advertisements and museum displays etc. This programme will also introduce a range of visual research methods and media production techniques which develop students’ capacities in both analysing and creating visual-oriented projects.
Start To be advised
Duration 36 hours
Fee HK$10,000
開課日期 2025年4月24日 (星期四)
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$5600
開課日期 2025年4月24日 (星期四)
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$9,000

The programme aims to provide students with a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of communication and culture with an emphasis on media and cultural studies. More specifically, it trains the students to be critical consumers and ethical communicators through discussions that allow them to understand the power of both mediated and non-mediated communication in specific cultural contexts. The programme also addresses how existing and emerging forms of new media construct identities and shape lives by examining the relationship between communication and cultures.

Start 16 JUN 2025 (MON)
Duration 20 months
Fee HKD 38,000 (payable in 5 instalments; HKD 7,600 per instalment)
解釋《易經》,配合歷朝易學大師之心得,將易經由淺至深闡釋出來, 重視周易的天人原理及占測技巧,務求令學員對周易有理論與實踐幷重的基本理解。
開課日期 待定
修業期 約8個月
課程費用 HK$8,900
開課日期 待定
修業期 約11個月
課程費用 HK$15,000