Arts, Design & Culture Chinese Art

Chinese Art
The School is honoured to have invited various renowned artists to teach courses in Chinese Calligraphy and Chinese Painting. Students can choose from a range of courses according to their own skill levels.
Chinese Calligraphy courses cover Standard Script, Running Script, Clerical Script, Seal Script and Cursive Script. Chinese Painting courses are categorised into three main areas based on the subject matter: landscape, flower and bird, and figures. Students are advised to take Chinese Calligraphy courses as well to enhance their skills in the drawing of lines.
In addition to short courses, the School offers three part-time diploma programmes in Chinese art: Diploma in Chinese Calligraphy, Diploma in Chinese Painting, and Diploma in Chinese Calligraphy and Chinese Painting Studies.
Chinese Art Programmes
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學 費:HK$24,840(於取錄後繳交,學員自備物料及工具)
- 中國山水畫導論
- 古代山水畫研習
- 近當代山水畫研習
- 現代水墨與山水畫
- 山水畫創作
- 視覺藝術語言 (20課時)
- 素描研習 (54課時)
- 繪畫研習 (54課時)
- 西洋美術史導論:當代藝術 (24課時)
- 水彩畫研習 (42課時)
- 中國現代水墨藝術 (24課時)