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Healthcare, Sport and Wellness Holistic Wellness

Holistic Wellness

Holistic wellness focuses on the maintenance of the people’s optimal body health and spiritual balance through utilizing combinations of traditionally accepted concepts and spiritual health philosophies. Apart from relying on the use of the traditional Western and Chinese medicine, modern people now pay more attention to complementary ways in fostering body, spiritual and environmental health especially in helping them to recover from losses, failures, tragedies and psychological disorders.  These complementary ways include the Tao of Incense, traditional Fengshui and Bazi applications, Zen and Buddhist counselling, aromatherapy etc.

Holistic Wellness Programmes

Programmes Type

Programme Type


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Hong Kong Island


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This unique programme provides advanced knowledge of the contribution of physical activity and intergrative approaches to wellness. It also aims to enhance students understanding of business management skills related to the wellness industry with a focus on the design of relevant and feasible wellness programmes. It is suitable for fitness instructors, personal trainers, exercise and wellness leaders, corporate human resources personnel, community organisation programme directors and other front-line health and fitness professionals seeking to further their knowledge of this area through higher level academic studies.
Start 16 JUN 2025 (MON)
Duration 6 months
Fee HK$24,500
The 18-month programme is designed as a professional training of counsellors who specialize in Buddhist Counselling.  It is a pioneering programme with vision and practicality that signifies the birth of a recognized profession of Buddhist Counsellors who have reached professional competence in the provision of individual and group counselling services, counselling visits, Buddhist homiletics, and meditation guidance in hospitals, homes for the aged, and other community settings.
Start To be advised
Duration 18 months
Fee The fee is generously sponsored by Lee Fung Kung Wah (Mrs Simon K Y Lee)
開課日期 2025年3月28日 (星期五)
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$6000
本課程旨在讓學員掌握基本頭皮及頭髮的生理學知識、瞭解染髮產品及染髮的原理、技巧及技術 (包括如何遮蓋白髮、染色及分段處理),以及認識頭皮護理和健康美髮的概念、能夠安全使用護髮美髮產品。

一. 說明頭髮、毛囊和頭皮的基礎生理知識;
二. 闡述不同染髮劑的類別、原理和功能;
三. 描述基本染髮程序、技巧及技術,運用染髮產品、工具及手法;
四. 闡述健康美髮及頭皮護理的概念,安全使用護髮美髮產品。
開課日期 2025年3月31日 (星期一)
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$6000
開課日期 2025年4月2日 (星期三)
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$7000
This programme introduces students to the basic topics in forensic anthropology and allows them to apply the knowledge to real-life cases, understand how people’s social conditions and physical bodies interact with each other from the health and medicine perspectives, and have a well-rounded experience on how to be a forensic anthropologist.
Start 23 APR 2025 (WED)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$9200

本課程內容參考國際認可之芳療照護師專業證書課程教學大綱,及切合芳療照護職業需求而編制,包括認識基本人體解剖和生理學、芳香療法基礎知識和應用、芳療按摩理論和技巧,旨在為學員提供香薰芳療知識及應用技巧訓練。 完成課程後,學員能夠根據顧客的身體狀況及護理需要,運用芳療方案及實踐技能,為顧客設計治療計劃及療程,適當運用及掌握調配香薰產品的技巧及各種芳療按摩療法的技巧,為顧客減壓和提供合適的美容護理服務,對不同皮膚類型作出改善。 

開課日期 2025年5月19日 (星期一)
修業期 1年零7個月
課程費用 HK$23,800

The aims of this course are to, through learning about the Zen approach in helping, demonstrate how professional helpers, for examples, doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, counsellors, teachers and other related professionals can develop a genuine compassion for and harmonious understanding of individuals they intend to help. A Zen perspective introduces us to an unconventional yet pragmatic new approach of helping, which is only possible by concentrating and living in the here and now- the essence of meditation. 

Start To be advised
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$5400
開課日期 待定
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$4500
開課日期 待定
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$8600