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LEAD Academy

Development Programmes for Global Leaders

The Leadership Enhancement and Development (LEAD) Academy was established by HKU SPACE in 2023, is dedicated to providing high-quality development programmes for government officials, enterprises, and educational institutions in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area (GBA+).

The two main service areas of LEAD Academy include customized seminars in Hong Kong and study tours in Mainland:

  • Customized Seminars in Hong Kong: Tailored seminars and visits are offered based on the specific needs of enterprises, government bodies and educational institutions. In addition to providing a variety of specialized seminars for students and teachers from mainland Chinese institutions during the summer and winter breaks, LEAD Academy also offers specialized training in Hong Kong for government officials and entrepreneurs from mainland China, covering multiple popular fields.

  • Study Tours in Mainland: LEAD Academy organizes visits and exchanges for Hong Kong entrepreneurs, government officials, teachers and students to mainland China, deepening their understanding of national conditions, experiencing the prospects of the country's development, broadening their horizons and enhancing their professional skills.

LEAD Academy closely aligns with the latest industry needs, offering various training that cover finance, education, medicine, law, architecture, logistics, culture and arts, journalism, artificial intelligence, technological innovation and business management, among other fields. Through specialized training, participants will gain cutting-edge professional knowledge in relevant areas, keeping up with the times and enhancing their competitiveness in a rapidly changing business environment.

Apart from its strong presence and impressive academic achievements in Hong Kong, LEAD Academy has built a global network by collaborating with 985 & 211 Mainland Universities, and renowned international institutions such as Harvard, Cambridge, MIT, Stanford and Hebrew University.  This collaboration enables LEAD Academy to offer high-end and in-demand programmes in various fields.

LEAD Academy Programmes

Programmes Type

Programme Type


Start Date

Class Schedule

Financial Assistance


Hong Kong Island


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本課程資深行政人員文憑《中國古代書畫鑒藏與投資管理 》旨在構建及整合全面的中國書畫史理論體系,幫助學生系統地掌握中國古代書畫的鑒藏脈絡。本課程涵蓋中國美術史、書法繪畫筆墨、古代建築、歷代服飾、書畫裝裱材料 (筆、墨、印、紙、硯) 等,也透過不同的經典藝術作品及案例以解說中國古代書畫的鑒藏方法,並用以識別和分析實物。完成課程後,學生能充分瞭解古代書畫的市場價值、文化價值和收藏價值,並能掌握古代書畫拍賣市場的趨勢,減少鑒藏失誤,以享受鑒藏的最大樂趣。 

開課日期 2025年5月23日 (星期五)
修業期 20個月
課程費用 報名費用:
HK$300 (取錄與否,恕不退還)(需接受課程組的面試篩選)

With the integration of HK with the Greater Bay Area to develop innovation and technology, the knowledge of IP rights is increasingly important to the business and innovation sectors.   Given this, the IP rights and legislation in Hong Kong and Mainland are included in the syllabus to address the needs created by GBA development. 
Start To be advised
Duration 3 months
Fee HK$7800
This study tour provides students an immersive learning experience in the Veneto wine region and Emilia-Romagna gourmet region, providing in-depth knowledge and appreciation of wines, gourmet foods, and cultural aspects through expert instruction and hands-on activities.
Start 22 MAY 2025 (THU)
Duration 7 days and 3 hours
Fee HKD39,900 (twin occupancy at hotel. Subject to room availability, single supplement applies for single-occupied rooms per student request)
Following our 2015 & 2017 study tours to Edinburgh, it is our third time to collaborate with Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) to organise a fun and educational summer study programme to Edinburgh, Scotland in August 2025 for 7 days! This study tour programme has two new themes of "Scotch Whisky" and "Scotch Culture"

If you wish to understand more about the Scottish unique culture, and have a TASTE of Scotland in different perspectives, join us!
Start 25 JUL 2025 (FRI)
Duration 7 days and 3 hours
Fee • Original price: HKD33,500 
• Early Bird discount (on or before 6 April): HKD31,500
• Alumni discount: HKD31,500

Do you wish to uncover the secrets of wine making in Bordeaux, the capital of wine civilization?

This Bordeaux study tour will visit around 10 well-known and carefully selected vineyards in Bordeaux, and students will be led and guided by our HKU SPACE wine educator for the whole study tour. In Hong Kong, students will attend a 3-hour pre-departure lecture in order to have an overview of the Bordeaux wine region, and they will also attend two half-day Master classes at the prestigious KEDGE Wine School in Bordeaux, and the lectures will be delivered by the Master of Wine!

Start To be advised
Duration 6 days and 3 hours
Fee • HKD32,800 (twin occupancy at hotel)
• Alumni discount : HKD30,800 (twin occupancy at hotel)
# Subject to room availability, single supplement applies for single-occupied rooms per student request


開課日期 待定
修業期 5日零6小時
課程費用 每人學費(住宿爲共用雙人房 twin room) :​
ー 港幣20,000元​
ー 港幣19,000元 (校友優惠及早鳥優惠 22 Jan 2025 前)​
ー 單人房附加費港幣1,400元​
