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Healthcare, Sport and Wellness Beauty Study, Cosmetics and Aesthetics Application

Beauty Study, Cosmetics and Aesthetics Application

The study of beauty care, cosmetics science and aesthetics application are the knowledge and skills that not only helps to improve the outlook of a person but in general provides a golden standard for knowledge and skill levels of the practitioners within the beauty industries.  The knowledge includes the science, the design and the application of medicines, cosmetics and nutraceutical health products, in combination with skills that include the advanced aesthetics medical techniques and hands-on beauty care treatment. 

HKU SPACE offers lots of programmes that fall into these categories, such as the cosmetic science programmes, medical techniques in aesthetic application, hair biology and pharmaceutical science for beauty care programmes.

Beauty Study, Cosmetics and Aesthetics Application Programmes

Programmes Type

Programme Type


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Hong Kong Island


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本課程旨在讓學員掌握基本頭皮及頭髮的生理學知識、瞭解染髮產品及染髮的原理、技巧及技術 (包括如何遮蓋白髮、染色及分段處理),以及認識頭皮護理和健康美髮的概念、能夠安全使用護髮美髮產品。

一. 說明頭髮、毛囊和頭皮的基礎生理知識;
二. 闡述不同染髮劑的類別、原理和功能;
三. 描述基本染髮程序、技巧及技術,運用染髮產品、工具及手法;
四. 闡述健康美髮及頭皮護理的概念,安全使用護髮美髮產品。
開課日期 2025年3月31日 (星期一)
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$6000
The programme aims to equip students from the medical or dental profession with specialty knowledge and skills in aesthetic applications and professional practice of LASER and radiofrequency techniques.  It also equips students with the specialty knowledge and skills for enhanced competency in the fast-growing industry of aesthetic medicine.
Start 10 APR 2025 (THU)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$19900
開課日期 2025年5月7日 (星期三)
修業期 9個月
課程費用 HK$15200
開課日期 2025年10月23日 (星期四)
修業期 5個月
課程費用 HK$9,800
The programme aims to equip students from the medical or dental profession with skills and knowledge in the aesthetic application and professional practice of non-invasive and injection techniques.

Upon completion of the programme, students will acquire the knowledge and skills for enhanced competency and better career prospects in the fast-growing industry of aesthetic medicine.
Start To be advised
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$19,900
開課日期 待定
修業期 9個月
課程費用 HK$14800
開課日期 2025年6月7日 (星期六)
修業期 8小時
課程費用 HK$3000