Social Sciences Education
Education Programmes
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This programme is suitable for Trainers in commerce, industry and public sectors; Teachers in vocational, technical, professional, community and adult education; Personnel involved in programme management, administration and human resources development. The course is open to applicants without prior teaching or training experience.
特殊教育(讀寫障礙) $6600
認識及支援專注力不足及過度活躍學童 $4350
認識及支援資優學童 $4350
認識及支援自閉症譜系障礙學童 $4350
聽覺健康及支援聽覺受損學童 $4350
The course is designed for teachers, students, educational and social sciences professionals who intend to accomplish a research project or to study a course that requires research skills. It aims to enable participants to acquire the knowledge and expertise required for conducting research and writing research proposals and reports. The participants will learn to identify the knowledge gap, define the research problem, frame the research question, review relevant literature, choose a suitable research design (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods), collect quantitative and qualitative data, analyse them and evaluate their validity and reliability. Finally, the course will enable the participant to write the research proposal and also report the research findings in discipline-specific genres by using academic language in order that their research could contribute to knowledge creation and development.