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What's Happening Events

Oct 2022

Information Seminar - Diploma in Business Administration and Secretarial Studies

Corporate Administration and Governance

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Date & time
05Oct 2022 (Wed)19:00 - 20:00 Free
UNC609, United Learning Centre, 6/F United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong
  • Dr. B.J. Lee

Dr. B.J. Lee

BSc Ulster, PrDip CIM; MBA Wales Cardiff; DBA Macq; MCIM; Chartered Marketer; CPA (Aust.)

28678407 (

Hong Kong has a reputation for being one of the world’s freest economies, with a level playing field in commerce and a fair and equitable society abiding by the rule of law. This unique environment has continued to give Hong Kong a competitive edge.

By introducing this programme, we aim to provide knowledge and skills to the workforce in the areas of  business administration, secretaryship, compliance and ethics.


Programme Aims: to equip students with wide-scope knowledge in business administration concepts and secretarial practices. It provides students with skills to:

  • develop participants’ business communication skills and customer relation management in the workplace;
  • equip participants with fundamental accounting concepts and basic bookkeeping skills so as to handle daily account