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HKU SPACE Vaccine Pass (Phase One from 28 Feb to 29 Apr 2022)

29 Mar 2022 (Tue)


Dear colleagues and students,

The School follows the HKU policy which aligns with the Government’s Vaccine Pass policy to introduce HKU SPACE Vaccine Pass in accordance with public and health policies. Throughout the pandemic, a key priority for the School is to implement measures that would minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission in learning centres and offices and help keep the HKU SPACE community safe.  We require all staff and students, other than those medically exempted, gaining access to School premises to be vaccinated, as it is the most effective way to safeguard our health against the COVID-19 virus. Information of HKU SPACE Vaccine Pass is provided below.  

1. Who are required to observe and what are the latest measures of HKU SPACE Vaccine Pass?
The latest measures apply to all persons entering the HKU campus or HKU SPACE premises.  Starting from 28 February 2022, except for those with a certified medical exemption or children under 5 years of age, anyone wishing to enter these venues will need to comply with the tightened measures in line with the HKU to be implemented in three phases as follows:

Phase One (starting from 28 February 2022)

  • Be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (two doses of recognised COVID-19 vaccines plus at least 14 days) or
  • Have received one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine plus a negative COVID-19 test result taken within the previous seven days.
  • Children aged from 5 to 17 are only required to receive one dose of a recognised vaccine.

Phase Two (starting from 30 April 2022)

  • Be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (two doses of recognised COVID-19 vaccines plus at least 14 days).
  • Children aged from 5 to 11 are only required to receive one dose of a recognised vaccine.
  • Two doses of recognized COVID-19 vaccines for persons aged from 12 to 17 and who have taken the first dose for more than six months. If the persons are still within six months from receiving the first dose, they must receive the second dose before the end of the six-month period.

Phase Three (starting from 31 May 2022)

  • Three doses of a recognised vaccine for those over 18 years of age and who have taken the second dose for more than six months. If the persons are still within six months from receiving the second dose, they must receive the third dose before the end of the six-month period.
  • Persons aged 5 to 17 who have received the first dose of the vaccine for more than six months by 31 May 2022 must receive two doses of the vaccine. If they are still within six months from receiving the first dose, they must receive a second dose by the end of that six-month period.

*Those who have been assessed by a doctor as being medically unsuitable for vaccination will have to present a medical certificate plus a negative COVID-19 test result taken within the previous seven days to gain access to HKU campus or HKU SPACE premises throughout the above three phases.

2. What does it mean by “fully vaccinated”?
In determining whether one is “fully vaccinated”, reference should be made to the Government’s list of recognised COVID-19 vaccines and doses here.  As this list is updated, new links will be posted on the School website.  One will only be considered as “fully vaccinated” 14 days after receiving the required doses of a recognised vaccine.  The requirement to have the third dose for access will apply by 31 May 2022.  See also (1) above.

3. Will there be exemptions and/or relaxations?
Yes, we will follow HKU guidelines on exemptions for children under the age of 5, and relaxations in terms of the number of doses required for persons aged between 5 and 17, and those who have recovered from a previous COVID-19 infection here.

4. Will there be exemptions for people who cannot take the COVID-19 vaccine?
No, there will not.  People who cannot take the COVID-19 vaccine on medical grounds will still need to take a weekly self-test.  Only medical certificates in the standard format here issued by a registered doctor or hospital will be accepted for the purpose of the Vaccine Pass.  The list of registered medical doctors can be accessed at here.  For the avoidance of doubt, medical certificates issued by registered Chinese medicine practitioners and other healthcare professionals (e.g. chiropractors and physiotherapists), irrespective of whether they are issued by the Hospital Authority, a Government or private hospital/clinic, will not be accepted.

Another point to note relates to the validity period of medical certificates regarding a person’s unfitness to receive vaccination.  Considering that some medical certificates may have been issued some time ago since the official launch of the Government’s COVID-19 Vaccination Programme in late February 2021, and the assessments and/or recommendations therein may have expired, the School will only accept certificates issued by a registered medical doctor or hospital on or after 1 October 2021.

 For medical certificates with a specified validity period regarding a person’s unfitness for receiving vaccination, the relevant medical assessment/recommendation will be considered valid throughout such specified period.  Where no validity period is specified, the medical assessment/recommendation will be considered as valid for up to three months from the issue date, or up to the date when a recall appointment/re-appointment is scheduled, whichever date is the earlier.

See also Q1 for details of vaccination and testing requirements.

5. What kind of proof or record is required to show that I am a recovered person previously infected with COVID-19?
The Government is currently making relevant system enhancements, so that recovered persons with positive test results recorded in the Government's computer systems will be able to retrieve their recovery record QR code online later. They can then also add their recovery status to their vaccination record QR code.  The system is expected for launch in May.  By then, recovered persons can present a vaccination record that meets the vaccination requirements or a valid recovery record QR code to gain access.

Before obtaining the relevant QR code, recovered persons can present the relevant proof of recovery or infection, such as discharge letter, SMS/electronic/paper record of positive nucleic acid test result issued by the Government or private laboratories recognised under the Laboratory Recognition Scheme of the DH, SMS/electronic record of completed declaration on DH's "Declaration System for individuals tested positive for COVID-19 using Rapid Antigen Test", isolation order issued by the DH, and other recovery records issued by the Government or the Hospital Authority.

See also (1) for details of vaccination and testing requirements.

6. I have recovered from COVID-19 infection.  Can I be exempted from the vaccination requirements?

Implementation Date

Phase One

28 February – 29 April 2022

Phase Two

30 April – 30 May 2022

Phase Three

From 31 May 2022 onwards

Recovered persons aged 5 or above within 6 months from recovery No additional dose required
Recovered persons aged 5 or above with 2nd or 3rd dose before COVID-19 infection No additional dose required
Recovered persons aged 5 or above after 6 months from recovery (i) Not vaccinated before COVID-19 infection 1st dose (i) 1 dose if within 6 months from 1st dose
(ii) 2nd dose, if after 6 months from 1st dose

*2nd dose not required for persons aged 5 – 17 who took Comirnaty (BioNTech) as 1st dose
(ii) Received 1st dose before COVID-19 Infection No additional dose required

2nd dose

*2nd dose not required for a person aged 5 - 17 who took Comirnaty (BioNTech) as 1st dose

7. What kinds of self-test are acceptable?
All major COVID tests recognised by the Government, such as deep throat saliva, combined throat and nasal swab, nasopharyngeal swab, Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) are acceptable.  Useful information on various virus testing routes as well as distribution points of test packs etc. are available via the hyperlink here.

Useful information on RAT for COVID-19 is available via the hyperlink here.

8. What does it mean by ‘HKU campus’?
HKU campus includes all HKU premises such as the Main Campus, the Medical Campus, Prince Philip Dental Hospital, Kennedy Town Centre, all sports facilities and so on.  As HKU SPACE is required to follow HKU policy, measures also extend to all HKU SPACE premises throughout Hong Kong.

Vaccine Pass would also be introduced at the venues of our partner institutions.  The management of some of these venues would implement the Government Vaccine Pass here which they will communicate directly to key stakeholders, e.g. HPSHCC Campus, CITA Learning Centre and Learning Centres of PLK Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College and United Christian College.  Moreover, as some of our Learning Centres are situated in commercial buildings, the Management Offices of these buildings have been adopting the Government Vaccine Pass for people to gain access.

9. How will the system work for HKU SPACE staff, teachers and students who possess a HKU SPACE user ID?
Please note that there are different protocols for access to HKU SPACE premises and the HKU campus.

For access to HKU SPACE premises under the direct management of the School (i.e. other than those premises under the direct management of HKU, such as TT Tsui Building and the Graduate House)

The following community of the School should register their COVID-19 status through the HKU SPACE Green Pass System (GPSys) and upload their vaccination records, proof of recovery and, where applicable, medical certificates (see also (4), (5) and (6) for details), and weekly COVID-19 test reports.

- All HKU SPACE staff (academic and non-academic)
- Part-time teachers
- Full-time and part-time students (See also (11) for Secondary School students)

Detailed procedures of registration through the GPSys has been posted on the School website.  Upon successful completion of the registration process, the registered persons will receive a “Green Pass” generated by the GPSys which will enable them to gain access, for the purpose of the Vaccine Pass, to all HKU SPACE premises other than those under the direct management of the HKU campus.  Thus, for people who are fully vaccinated, it will be a simple one-off exercise and will only require further action when a third dose of the vaccine is required from 31 May 2022.  For those medically exempted, weekly updating of the self-test records via the GPSys is required.

For access to premises under the direct management of HKU

For those who require access to the HKU premises including the Main Campus and other facilities such as the UHS and Library, persons registered under the GPSys will be able to access the campus using their HKU ID cards (staff card and/or Facilities Access Card) as information on individual COVID-19 status captured in the GPSys will automatically be transferred to the HKU system in order to obviate the need for a further upload to the HKU system by the users in this category.

10. What will registered staff, teachers and students need to do when they enter HKU or HKU SPACE premises?
A. For Access to HKU SPACE Learning Centres / Offices (other than those on the HKU campus)
Please scan your Green Pass via the scanner at the entrance or present your Green Pass to the security guards / Learning Centre staff at the entrance.  Random checks will be made to ensure compliance with the Vaccine Pass. 

B. For Access to the HKU Campus
HKU has installed readers at its entrances.  Please tap your HKU ID card (staff card and/or Facilities Access Card) on one of the readers to show that you comply with the Vaccine Pass.  Security guards will be posted at major entrances to reach out to anyone in need of assistance.  HKU will also link their Vaccine Pass with vehicle licence plate registration.

11. How will the system work for people for whom the GPSys is not applicable (i.e. people who do not possess a HKU SPACE user ID, including occasional visitors)?
A. For Access to HKU SPACE Learning Centres / Offices (other than those on the HKU campus)
They are required to use the LeaveHomeSafe mobile application in order to gain access.

B. For Access to the HKU Campus
They are required to show the electronic vaccination and testing records in Government mobile apps, or the original copies, photocopies and screenshots of vaccination records, proof of recovery and where applicable, medical certificate and self-test results upon request at the entrances.

12. Will it be possible to simply show the vaccination record or self-test results to a security guard?
Yes.  You can present original copies, photocopies and screenshots of vaccination records, proof of recovery and, where applicable, weekly self-test results.  For Students, Staff and Part-Time Teachers, you are required to register your vaccination records and/or weekly self-test results under the HKU SPACE GPSys in order to save queueing up time at the entrances to gain access to HKU SPACE premises and the HKU campus.

13. Further details
A set of more detailed FAQs has been developed to address concerns from persons requiring access to HKU and HKU SPACE premises.  These FAQs can be found at HKU SPACE COVID-19 Info Hub here, and updates will be made from time to time to take account of possible changes in Government guidelines and University arrangements.  For any other enquiries, please refer to the School website, Teacher Portal and Learner Portal, or contact our staff at Colleges, HKU SPACE Community College and enrolment counters at the School’s Learning Centres for advice.

29 Mar 2022