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款客、旅遊及活動 專業管家及奢侈品服務


管家和豪華賓客服務管理是一門獨特、專屬、專業的知識領域,這種知識和職業技能獲許多人士及公司歡迎,例如最富有的家庭、國際企業、五星級酒店和度假村、機場休息室、私人會所、 郵輪公司和超級遊艇等等。我們的管家和豪華賓客服務課程為學生提供既專業又實務的知識,讓他們在世界各地找到具有挑戰性的就業機會。 此外,對於許多人來說,高級餐飲和餐飲禮儀知識是必不可少的,此知識讓他們能體面地參加不同的商務和社交場合。


Programmes Type









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Butler service skill is the core knowledge and skillsets that should be acquired by attendants who are now serving or aspired to serve in private jets, serviced apartments, luxury hotels and super yachts. The needs of manpower with such expertise and skillsets are well expressed among many luxury hospitality service providers in Hong Kong and in the region. Students graduating from this programme will pursue a career in the luxury service sector.

Start 20 JUL 2024 (SAT)
Duration 4 weeks to 6 weeks
Fee HK$15,000 per programme *(excluding the field trip expenses)


This programme aims to equip the hospitality, tourism and event practitioners with the professional and excellent customer services skills to manage this service-driven industry. It covers various customer services skills and etiquettes, professional standards in customer service and how to apply these customer services skills and handle sensitive data in the workplace. Upon the completion of the programme, students will learn the emergent ideas of butler service in the luxury hospitality and tourism sectors. Students will also be able to understand the good practices and tools in the hospitality and tourism industries via case studies which they can apply at the workplace. 

Start To be advised
Duration 33 hours
Fee HK$5,200 per programme
(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)
開課日期 2024年9月7日 (星期六)
修業期 3小時
課程費用 非校友:HK$ 900

早鳥優惠:HK$ 700 (於2024年7月26日或之前報名)

校友優惠 :HK$ 700



The demand of luxury hospitality services is emergent and is particularly high in Hong Kong and/or some Asian cities/countries such as China, Macau, and Singapore. The in-depth understanding of wine and spirits are essential to deliver the professional and premium services and standards no matter in high-end luxury services / hospitality or business aviation sectors. The experiences of dinning with wine and spirits appreciating are the core components to deliver premium inflight service and/ or luxury hospitality experience by attendants who are now serving or aspired to serve in private jets, serviced apartments, luxury hotels and super yachts.
Start 07 SEP 2024 (SAT)
Duration 12 hours
Fee HK$3,000
開課日期 2024年12月3日 (星期二)
修業期 6小時
課程費用 學費 : HK$1,850 (包括到餐廳體驗費用)
Fine Dining不只象徵美食,它還包羅萬象:頂級食材、精湛廚藝、專業體貼的款待服務、舒適自在的用餐環境、別具一格的用餐體驗、如藝術般精緻的餐具等。
識歎。體驗。Fine Dining! 有助職場達人發掘新的興趣及嗜好、擴闊視野,以及豐富個人的生活品味。
開課日期 待定
修業期 15小時
課程費用 學費 : HK$2,900 (包括材料及 Fine Dining 體驗費用)

校友優惠 : HK$2,800 

團體優惠 : 每位HK$2,800 (同行二人或以上) 
