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健康護理、體育及健康 營養學



本學部提供由短期課程、文憑至學士、碩士等不同級別的銜接課程,助兼讀制學生逐步進修至高等教育學位,例如:食物及營養學榮譽理學士課程 /人類營養學碩士 / 深造文憑,學員可因應個人的學歷背景及興趣選擇相關課程進修。



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In association with the Ulster University, U.K., HKU SPACE offers the Master of Science (MSc) in Dietetics. The programme is offered on a part-time basis (except for the clinical placement) which falls in line with the school’s mission in delivering flexible programmes which meet the needs of potential students and the community.

Holders of the MSc in Dietetics fulfill the criteria for employment as dietitians by the Hong Kong Hospital Authority. Graduates are eligible to apply for membership as an Accredited Dietitian with the Hong Kong Academy of Accredited Dietitians (HKAAD,HK) and for registration as a Dietitian with  the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC, U.K.). 
Reference no. of exempted courses under NLHPE: 450321
Start To be advised
Duration 3 years
Fee Total to be paid :
PgD in Human Nutrition HK$98,000 +
PgD Dietetics To be confirmed +
MSc research project $38,500
In association with the Ulster University, UK, HKU SPACE offers a programme leading to the award of Master of Science (MSc) in Human Nutrition. The MSc in Human Nutrition programme is offered on a part-time basis which falls in line with the school’s mission in delivering flexible programmes which meet the needs of potential students and the community.

Reference no. of exempted under NLHPE: 450320
Start To be advised
Duration 2 years
Fee Total to be paid :
PgD in Human Nutrition To be confirmed +
MSc research project $38,500
In association with Ulster University, U.K., HKU SPACE offers a programme leading to the awards of Master of Science (MSc) in Sport and Exercise Nutrition. The programme is offered on a part-time basis with online teaching which falls in line with the School’s mission in delivering flexible programmes which meet the needs of potential students and the community. 
Start To be advised
Duration 2 years
Fee Application fee: HK$300 (non-refundable)
Course fee: HK$108,000 (to be paid in 2 installments)
In association with the Ulster University, U.K., HKU SPACE offers the Postgraduate Diploma (PgD) in Dietetics. The programme is offered on a part-time basis (except for the Dietetics Practice Based Learning (clinical placement)) which falls in line with the school’s mission in delivering flexible programmes which meet the needs of potential students and the community.
Holders of the MSc in Dietetics fulfill the criteria for employment as dietitians by the Hong Kong Hospital Authority. Graduates are eligible to apply for membership as an Accredited Dietitian with the Hong Kong Academy of Accredited Dietitians (HKAAD,HK) and for registration as a Dietitian with  the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC, U.K.).
Reference no. of exempted courses under NLHPE: 450321
Start To be advised
Duration 2 years
Fee Total to be paid :
PgD in Human Nutrition HK$98,000 +
PgD Dietetics To be confirmed
In association with the Ulster University, UK, HKU SPACE offers a programme leading to the award of Postgraduate Diploma (PgD) in Human Nutrition. The PgD in Human Nutrition programme is offered on a part-time basis which falls in line with the school’s mission in delivering flexible programmes which meet the needs of potential students and the community.
​Reference no. of exempted under NLHPE: 450320
Start To be advised
Duration 1 year
Fee PgDip in Human Nutrition - HK$98,000 (2 instalments)
This programme offers the opportunity for sub degree graduates or equivalent to pursue a BSc (Honours) degree in Food and Nutrition and develop a career in food and nutritional area.
Start To be advised
Duration 2 years
Fee Course fee: HK$142,000 (to be paid in 3 instalments)
The programme aims to provide students with the knowledge of food science, including chemical and analytical aspects of food components, relation of microorganisms and food as well as principles of food processing and preservation techniques.
Start 22 APR 2025 (TUE)
Duration 5 months
Fee HK$18100
開課日期 2025年4月29日 (星期二)
修業期 30小時
課程費用 HK$6000


開課日期 2025年6月11日 (星期三)
修業期 4個月
課程費用 HK$7980
This programme aims to provide students with the knowledge in the areas of clinical nutrition and health promotion. This programme has a number of articulation routes to degree level courses in nutrition and provides an opportunity for those who are interested in nutrition to build and develop their nutrition knowledge. It also provides continuing professional development for professionals such as nurses, teachers, health professionals and those working in the nutrition and food industry.
Start 04 JUL 2025 (FRI)
Duration 5 months
Fee HK$18,100