藝術、設計及文化 表演藝術

The Performing Arts team offers a wide range of programmes to cultivate appreciation and mastery of the arts. Our offerings include vocal and instrumental training, dance performance, theater studies, and music therapy, which uses music to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. We also provide specialized courses such as piano examinations, popular music production, film scoring, piano and string pedagogy and lyric-writing, among others.
In addition to performing arts programmes, we offer well-received Chinese culture courses. Our Chinese Tea certificate courses explore the rich history and traditions of Chinese tea culture, while our Wisdom of Chinese Classics series uncovers the cultural significance of ancient Chinese texts.
Whether through short courses or master's programmes, our dedicated team delivers a transformative learning experience that inspires individuals to excel in the performing arts and beyond.
- 排序方式
- 課程名稱
1. 介紹學生戲劇的基本原素;
2. 使學生熟習戲劇演出的理論;
3. 訓練學生表演及導演的技巧實踐;
4. 使學生能運用戲劇技巧於學校內的其它科目作教學用途;
5. 訓練學生按照戲劇美學作出自我評論。

- 獲得使用音樂作為媒介的初步技能,以激發兒童客戶的積極健康和教育改變;
- 能夠使用基本方法完成音樂治療師的訓練任務;和
- 在與兒童客戶合作的適當實踐道德標準範圍內學習治療計劃或方法的基本設計和評估。