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電腦運算及數據科學 網絡保安


隨著數量倍增的用戶、設備和應用程序,全球網絡威脅備受關注。由於網絡攻擊者數量不斷增加和層出不窮的攻擊技術,各國政府和企業都不斷地更新相關的網絡安全政策和指引以防止關鍵系統和敏感資訊受到非法入侵。 香港大學專業進修學院提供一系列證書至學位級別的網絡安全課程,這些課程全面覆蓋了網絡安全的主要範疇,包括: 理論、政策、滲透測試、數碼監證等,為有興趣從事網絡安全事業的學生提供一條龍的升學途徑。


Programmes Type









訂閱 e-資訊
Cyber security is now widely recognised as an international priority, with hacking, malicious code, and data theft being just three of the many reasons why it's vital in the design, development and implementation of today’s IT systems. Unlike traditional bachelor degree programme (BSc) in Computer Science, the BSc (Honours) Cyber Security program at the University of Plymouth is a hands-on degree program that prepares students for the dynamic world of cybersecurity. With a focus on practical experience, students will study topics such as security architectures, cryptography,  security management, and computer forensics, as well as offensive security and ethical hacking. Graduates will be equipped to pursue various careers in cybersecurity, including information security analyst, cyber security engineer, network security architect, and cyber operations specialist.
Start 07 OCT 2024 (MON)
Duration 2 years
Fee HK$108,000* in four instalments (Year 2: HK$45,000; Year 3: HK$63,000)

* Subject to annual changes
Advanced Diploma in Business Information Technology programme is a 20-month part-time programme designed for secondary school graduates who have aspirations to pursue a career in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) field. This programme offers a unique blend of theory and practical training. Students will learn about the latest technologies and trends and how to apply them in real-world business scenarios.

The programme aims to equip students with a broad and solid grounding in the field of information technology and to enhance students’ technical knowledge and problem-solving skills. The development and application of some emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Applications and Analytics, and Cloud Computing will also be covered in the programme.
Start 18 NOV 2024 (MON)
Duration 20 months to 4 years
Fee Total programme fee: HK$51,000 paid in 3 instalments (1st instalment: HK$17,600; 2nd instalment: HK$16,700; 3rd instalment: HK$16,700)

Note: All fees are subject to change without prior notice.
開課日期 待定
修業期 2年
課程費用 港幣 15,200 元
Start To be advised
Duration 2 years