- 主頁
- 曾斯琪-創意產業管理(藝術及文化)深造文憑(2016年學生)

'I spent one amazing year in HKU SPACE to complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Industries Management (Arts and Culture). Those specialized skills that I learnt from the programme have strengthened my professional background and allowed me to progress my career in the art industries. I am glad that I have been given the opportunity to join the field trip to the Netherlands and Germany. The field trip gave me invaluable experiences to meet new people and to communicate with other artists. The programme encourages me to embrace challenges in my own life with open mind and open heart.'
Tsang Sze Ki Eva (Student of 2016 intake)

Field Trip to Germany and the Netherlands (2017)
崔劍琴 - 創意產業管理(藝術及文化)深造文憑 (2016年學生)