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Learning can change your life. By learning something new, you can find a hobby that connects you with your friends and family, or perhaps start your own business that can add value to society, or discover a new meaning in your life - a path to true happiness, and wellbeing.

HKU SPACE opens up many new paths to learning, with over 1,000 programmes in 51 areas of interest. From business and technology to the humanities, health sciences and simple personal enrichment, you can choose to learn the things that truly matter to you, and become the ‘you’ you always wanted to be.

You can find details of all our courses in our new Autumn Prospectus available free of charge at any of our learning centres, or from our distribution points. Take a step now to be your own change. (Available while stock lasts)


E-version is also available online, download now!


The programme is aimed at students with no previous or little knowledge of the language. It covers a range of everyday topics and situations and includes a balance of all four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing), as well as practice on key grammar points, vocabulary and pronunciation relevant to the level. By the end of the programme, students should be able to understand and use basic everyday phrases to introduce themselves, ask and answer questions about personal details. They will also learn language to deal with everyday situations like shopping, eating out, talking about their jobs, families and interests. It is equivalent to A1 level in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
Start To be advised
Duration 120 hours
Fee HK$9,150
The programme is aimed at students with no previous or little knowledge of the language. It covers a range of everyday topics and situations and includes a balance of all four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing), as well as practice on key grammar points, vocabulary and pronunciation relevant to the level. By the end of the programme, students should be able to understand and use basic everyday phrases to introduce themselves, ask and answer questions about personal details. They will also learn language to deal with everyday situations like shopping, eating out, talking about their jobs, families and interests. ​The programme is equivalent to A1 level in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
Start To be advised
Duration 40 weeks
Fee HK$9,150
This 45-hour course provides learners with a comprehensive coverage of grammar from intermediate gradually progressing to upper intermediate level.  It helps learners practise grammar rules correctly through speaking, listening, writing and discussion activities.
Start To be advised
Duration 15 weeks
Fee HK$3,500
This 45-hour course helps learners improve their English listening, and, therefore, their speaking skills in an active and lively setting.  A wide variety of authentic and semi-authentic listening materials from intermediate gradually progressing to upper intermediate level will be used.
Start To be advised
Duration 15 weeks
Fee HK$3,500
開課日期 待定
修業期 18小時
課程費用 HK$2,900
開課日期 待定
修業期 24小時
課程費用 HK$3,300


The program aims to help students acquire an intermediate to advanced level command of spoken and written Japanese. It develops students' speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through studying texts, writing, listening, conversation exercises, oral presentations and group discussions.
開課日期 待定
修業期 120小時
課程費用 HK$8,200
開課日期 待定
修業期 8個星期
本課程是為專為中級以上程度學員而設的短期課程,通過學習韓語傳統童話來提升學員對韓國傳統文化和敘事結構的理解, 並透過長篇童話故事教授不同的韓語詞彙, 文法和句型。學員請在上課前5天先到報名處繳付課本費用及取回收據,憑收據可在首兩節課堂內領取課本。
開課日期 待定
修業期 8個星期
The Japanese sake is a traditional Japanese rice wine brewed from the fermentation of polished rice. Originated back since the Nara period in Japanese history over a thousand years ago, the popularity and importance still prevails for this Japanese national beverage today. This workshop will provide an overview of the Japanese sake from its history to actual Japanese sake tasting.
Aspects such as the Japanese sake history, brew varieties, serving methods and etiquette, seasonality and customs will be explored through this appreciation workshop with a range of matching sake.
Start To be advised
Duration 4 weeks


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