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Social Sciences

Learning can change your life. By learning something new, you can find a hobby that connects you with your friends and family, or perhaps start your own business that can add value to society, or discover a new meaning in your life - a path to true happiness, and wellbeing.

HKU SPACE opens up many new paths to learning, with over 1,000 programmes in 51 areas of interest. From business and technology to the humanities, health sciences and simple personal enrichment, you can choose to learn the things that truly matter to you, and become the ‘you’ you always wanted to be.

You can find details of all our courses in our new Autumn Prospectus available free of charge at any of our learning centres, or from our distribution points. Take a step now to be your own change. (Available while stock lasts)


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Social Sciences

創客教育(Maker Education)集合創新教育、體驗學習、跨科專題研究等多元學習。學員將體驗創客教育中「動手做」和「創造實物」。課程適合任何科目的老師,以及對STEM 教育有興趣的人士。
(一) 創客教育的課程設計、教學技巧和如何銜接現有科目
(二) 創客空間體驗,包括:
         - 3D繪圖和打印
         - 電子電路設計
         - 編程技巧 (Arduino 及 micro:bit)
         - 設計如何融合STEAM教學中
開課日期 2024年10月26日 (星期六)
修業期 3個星期
課程費用 HK$1,500(課程提供材料)
開課日期 2024年11月7日 (星期四)
修業期 6個星期
課程費用 HK$2100
開課日期 待定
修業期 3個星期
課程費用 HK$950
Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
This programme is contemporary and cutting edge, focusing on providing students with the knowledge both theoretically and practically to have a successful career in advertising, corporate/ organisational communication, media relations, branding, employee communication, and PR. Students will develop an excellent understanding of communication, advertising and PR principles. Working both on their own and as part of a team, students will also gain transferable skills and develop their confidence in presenting work and ideas to their peers, lecturers and professionals in the industry.
Start To be advised
Duration 10 months
This programmeprovides the basic knowledge of cognitive psychology, cognitive science and machine learning to individuals who want to pursue their further studies in the areas of psychology (general), cognitive science, neuroscience, and cognitive psychology at universities. The programme will introduce the students to the conceptual framework for cognitive psychology and the basis for neuroscience. On completion, students can further their studies in the fields of psychology, cognitive science, biological psychology, quantitative psychology, big data analytics, intelligence, or other related disciplines in bachelor’s or postgraduate’s programmes.

(Note: This is an introductory level programme, so no programming background is required.)
Start 11 FEB 2025 (TUE)
Duration 7 months
Fee HK$10,500

This course explores how our thoughts, attitudes, emotions and perceptions influence how people make decisions when they buy. It provides an opportunity to gain a better scientific understanding of cognitive, affective and behavioural responses to products and services from a consumer perspective, including the influence of technological, economic, societal and environmental concerns.
Start To be advised
Duration 6 weeks
Fee HK$2700


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