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Jun 2023

South Korea’s Waste Disposal and Recycle System

Event of
Open SPACE 2023

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Date & time
10Jun 2023 (Sat)15:45 - 16:45
🔷【In-person】: Room 301,3/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Admiralty 🔷【Online】: HKU SPACE YouTube Channel
  • Ms Kim You Ra (HKU SPACE Community College Lecturer)

Ms Kim You Ra

Ms Kim received M.A. in International Relations from Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo. Prior to her studies in Japan, she worked as a conference interpreter after graduating from Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul. Ms Kim spent her teenage years in Hong Kong and has a special affection for the city. Currently she works as a lecturer of Korean Studies at HKU SPACE Community College. Her research interests include international conflict management and East Asia regionalism.

3762 0820 (
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Wide popularity of its cultural contents has drawn an unprecedented international attention on South Korea. However, there is yet another change in South Korea that has been under development for years that deserves a closer observation. Within just few decades, war stricken South Korea has transformed itself to not just follow the global trend, but to inspire others by example. South Korea is now dubbed as one of the leading countries in waste sorting and recycling system. 

In this session, we will review the history of South Korea’s sorted waste and recycling scheme to discover the lessons learned and also to take a look at how South Korea plans to use advanced technologies to push ahead with its contribution to environmental sustainability. 

Language – English


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