款客及精緻生活 藝術營運
2 項結果
- 排序方式
- 課程名稱
本課程資深行政人員文憑《中國古代書畫鑒藏與投資管理 》旨在構建及整合全面的中國書畫史理論體系,幫助學生系統地掌握中國古代書畫的鑒藏脈絡。本課程涵蓋中國美術史、書法繪畫筆墨、古代建築、歷代服飾、書畫裝裱材料 (筆、墨、印、紙、硯) 等,也透過不同的經典藝術作品及案例以解說中國古代書畫的鑒藏方法,並用以識別和分析實物。完成課程後,學生能充分瞭解古代書畫的市場價值、文化價值和收藏價值,並能掌握古代書畫拍賣市場的趨勢,減少鑒藏失誤,以享受鑒藏的最大樂趣。
本課程資深行政人員文憑《中國古代書畫鑒藏與投資管理 》旨在構建及整合全面的中國書畫史理論體系,幫助學生系統地掌握中國古代書畫的鑒藏脈絡。本課程涵蓋中國美術史、書法繪畫筆墨、古代建築、歷代服飾、書畫裝裱材料 (筆、墨、印、紙、硯) 等,也透過不同的經典藝術作品及案例以解說中國古代書畫的鑒藏方法,並用以識別和分析實物。完成課程後,學生能充分瞭解古代書畫的市場價值、文化價值和收藏價值,並能掌握古代書畫拍賣市場的趨勢,減少鑒藏失誤,以享受鑒藏的最大樂趣。
開課日期 2025年5月23日 (星期五)
修業期 20個月
課程費用 報名費用:
HK$300 (取錄與否,恕不退還)(需接受課程組的面試篩選)
HK$300 (取錄與否,恕不退還)(需接受課程組的面試篩選)
The programme aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to identify the artistic and financial worth of art pieces, to buy and sell art, and to market and run an art business.
The programme begins with a study of the art business market, covering topics such as the artistic and financial value of art pieces, the key players and ecosystem of the art market and the latest trends, technology and emergence of online art trading platforms. In the second part of the programme, the focus will be on collecting and investing in art pieces, the running and marketing of the art business and how to build a career in the commercial art world.
The programme adopts a hands-on approach and includes examining real art pieces in class, case studies and a visit to an art gallery or art auction.
The programme begins with a study of the art business market, covering topics such as the artistic and financial value of art pieces, the key players and ecosystem of the art market and the latest trends, technology and emergence of online art trading platforms. In the second part of the programme, the focus will be on collecting and investing in art pieces, the running and marketing of the art business and how to build a career in the commercial art world.
The programme adopts a hands-on approach and includes examining real art pieces in class, case studies and a visit to an art gallery or art auction.
Start 04 MAR 2025 (TUE)
Duration 1 month to 2 months
Fee HK$12,500