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The programme aims to provide a broad overview of the structure of the live entertainment, festival and event industry and meet the continuing professional development needs of people who are currently or intend to work in the live entertainment industry, in festival and event management, private and public agencies. The programme’s emphasis is on live entertainment, festivals and events as a business and its marketing strategies, programming, operations, budgeting, facility management, and so on.(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)
本課程資深行政人員文憑《中國古代書畫鑒藏與投資管理 》旨在構建及整合全面的中國書畫史理論體系,幫助學生系統地掌握中國古代書畫的鑒藏脈絡。本課程涵蓋中國美術史、書法繪畫筆墨、古代建築、歷代服飾、書畫裝裱材料 (筆、墨、印、紙、硯) 等,也透過不同的經典藝術作品及案例以解說中國古代書畫的鑒藏方法,並用以識別和分析實物。完成課程後,學生能充分瞭解古代書畫的市場價值、文化價值和收藏價值,並能掌握古代書畫拍賣市場的趨勢,減少鑒藏失誤,以享受鑒藏的最大樂趣。
HK$300 (取錄與否,恕不退還)(需接受課程組的面試篩選)
As Asia's events capital and leading meetings and convention destination, Hong Kong plays host to a fascinating array of exciting events. The event industry is one of the fastest growing service sectors in both Hong Kong and globally. Businesses have been investing more in events to engage more customers, and hence increasing the demand for well-qualified event professionals.
This programme aims to meet the continuing education and professional development needs of those who are currently working in the event management field or those who have aspirations in organizing events for their future careers.
Alumni Fees#: HK$106,200 to be paid in 3 semesters
# Graduates of Bachelor Programmes of HKU SPACE in collaboration with the University of Plymouth will enjoy an alumni discount with tuition fee HK$106,200 to be paid in 3 semesters.
(The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)
The programme aims to equip students with the credentials and expertise that prepare them for a variety of career in the competitive and ever-changing live entertainment and event industry.(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)
Over the last decade, events have emerged as significant tools for community and regional development, tourism promotion and corporate marketing. The steady growth in the number and size of events in Hong Kong has created a significant demand for professional event managers. At the same time, the increasing complexity and government regulation of festivals and events have given rise to an industry body of knowledge, and to the need for personnel trained and skilled in the practice of international festival & event management.
(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)

(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)

(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)

(*The tuition fee is reviewed annually and is subject to change without prior notice.)