商業及管理 項目管理
2 項結果
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This programme is a stream of the Bachelor of Science (Honours) Business Management programme. This specialism stream in project management, while still based and starting from a broad range of modules in Business Management, gives the student the option to graduate with an enriched Business Management degree for current and future career needs and opportunities. The programme will enrich students with complex knowledge and understanding on core aspects of project management, as well as equip them with practical experiences and enhance their understanding on the management of organisational change.
Start To be advised
Duration 1.5 years
Fee HK$110,250 per programme (in 3 instalments, all fees are subject to change without prior notice.)
The programme aims to equip students with the professional knowledge and practical skills necessary for leading and managing change in business organisations in the digital transformation era. It is geared towards preparing the students to become change management professionals in their future career advancement.
Start To be advised
Duration 39 hours