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Lifestyle & Taste @ HKU SPACE



發掘清酒的精緻風味,投入日本酒文化的懷抱中。HKU SPACE為你帶來專業的清酒課程,讓你從清酒的歷史、文化到釀造技術,全面掌握日本酒的精髓。我們的課程設計適合各級愛好者,不論你是清酒初學者還是專業人士,都能在這裡找到適合自己的學習路徑,一起深入日本清酒的世界。

開課日期 2024年9月9日 (星期一)
修業期 30小時
課程費用 學費 : HK$10,500 (包括教科書,品嚐 30-40 種不同風格日本酒類的費用)
This programme is intended for people who have little or no prior knowledge of sake, and who like to have an authentic Japanese sake learning experience. It is suitable to people who need a basic familiarity with the main styles and categories of sake. Sake enthusiasts and people who work with sake as part of a larger beverage portfolio in the retail and hospitality sectors are suitable to join the programme.
Start 12 NOV 2024 (TUE)
Duration 9 hours
Fee Course Fee : HK$2600 per programme

Early Bird Rate : HK$2400 per programme (applicable to enrollment on/before 1 November 2024)

This course fee includes:
(1) Student study pack for WSET Level 1 Award in Sake in English (color print-out)
(2) At least 13 sakes for tasting
(3) At least 10 types of specially selected otsumami for food pairing
(4) Examination Fee for WSET Level 1 Award in Sake qualification (exclude re-sit fee)
(5) WSET certificate and lapel pin
The Japanese Sake Masterclass Series is designed as a series of short courses with different topics/themes. It is suitable to people who are sake industry practitioners and sake lovers, preferably with some foundational sake knowledge, in order to reap the most benefits from the courses.
Start To be advised
Duration 2 hours
Fee Course Fee : HK$800 per programme

Early Bird Rate : HK$730 per programme (applicable to enrollment on/before 3 June 2022)
開課日期 待定
修業期 3小時
課程費用 學費 : HK$1,150 (包括試飲 3 款梅酒及材料費用:一款自選日本酒類﹝大吟釀清酒、古酒、竽燒酎 或 威士忌﹞、日本靑梅/南高梅及日本糖、一瓶 1 公升玻璃真空瓶。)


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