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Lifestyle & Taste @ HKU SPACE



啤酒愛好者的天堂,手工啤酒的精彩世界。HKU SPACE為你呈獻獨特的手工啤酒課程,讓你從釀造到品嚐,全面掌握手工啤酒的藝術。這個課程專為對啤酒充滿熱情的人士度身定制,無論您是想深入了解啤酒文化,還是希望在手工啤酒行業中尋找職場機會,我們都能滿足您的需求。

Craft Beer
Craft Beer
Craft Beer
This programme is designed to provide a sound introduction to craft beer. Students will be introduced to the basic ingredients of craft beer, key stages in craft beer brewing, different styles and flavours of craft beers produced by different countries. Through a combination of classroom learning and visits to two craft beer breweries and one craft beer bar, students will deepen their knowledge in the craft beer brewing processes in a real-life professional industry environment, and appreciate the emerging trends of the craft beer business in Hong Kong.
Start To be advised
Duration 32 hours
Fee HK$8,800 per programme inclusive of:
1. learning materials in English
2. at least 40 different types of beers and craft beers for tasting
3. visit to two craft beer breweries
4. visit to a craft beer bar (with food and craft beer pairing)
開課日期 2024年8月23日 (星期五)
修業期 4小時
課程費用 課程費用: HK$1,950, 包括:
1. 一套價值 HK$600 的 DIY 自釀啤酒套裝
2. 鑑賞 4 至 6 款不同風味的手工啤酒
3. 品嚐總值約HK$1000 的特色配酒小食


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