最新消息 活動預告
11月 2020
"疫"境自強: 物流業的前瞻與新趨勢
- 相關學科
- 物流、交通及供應鏈
- 日期及時間
- 2020年11月26日 (星期四)15:00 - 16:00 免費
- 地點
- Youtube Live Stream
- 講者
- Mr. Sunny Ho, Executive Director, The Hong Kong Shippers’ Council ;
- Dr. Elman Lam, 兼職講師, HKU SPACE
Mr. Sunny Ho, Executive Director, The Hong Kong Shippers’ Council
Executive Director, The Hong Kong Shippers’ Council

Dr. Elman Lam, 兼職講師, HKU SPACE
Dr. Lam has over 20 years of experiences in procurement and supply chain. He was the local/regional heads of the supply function in reputable multinational companies (MNC) including Citibank, ING, and AXA. In CLP Power, in addition to his role as head of supply function in the Generation Business Group, he also looked after inventory management and fuel supply (natural gas, oil and coal) for the generation plant. In his last assignment with the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority of Hong Kong, he established the central procurement and supply function, associated policies, procedures and systems that covered both the artistic and general goods and services. He was one of the founding members of the CIPS (Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply) Hong Kong Branch, and currently is the Chairman of Professional Learning & Development of the IPSHK (Institute of Purchasing & Supply of Hong Kong). He is also a chartered engineer in electrical engineering and had worked as an engineer/manager in substation design and project management as well as change manager in ERP and P2P system implementations. Dr. Lam conducts regular teaching/training to local/overseas universities, educational institutions and professional bodies, including The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnics University, Hong Kong Baptist University, The University of Hong Kong, University of Canberra, Northumbria University, Vocational Training Council (VTC), Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management (IHRM), IPSHK and CIPS. He received his doctorate degree from the Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM) of Australia.
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COVID-19為物流業帶來的前所未有的挑戰,我們特意邀請到The Hong Kong Shippers’ Council 執行總幹事Mr. Sunny Ho與HKU SPACE兼職講師Dr. Elman Lam分享最新見解。直播網絡研討會將於11月26日(週四)下午3點舉行。以「"疫"境自強: 物流業的前瞻與新趨勢」為題,探討有關全球供應鏈最新發展,消費者行為的轉變及其對物流業的影響。