Graduates' Sharing
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- Graduates' Sharing

錢佑 -大館古蹟及藝術館-表演藝術主管
攝影深造文憑課程是一個專業課程,當攝影成為我的業餘興趣多年後,我一直追求報讀真正專業攝影課程,更想報讀學位,但無奈當時以攝影為主的學位已消聲匿跡,但非常幸運地在前輩們介紹下,有幸報讀到HKU SPACE攝影深造文憑,其課程設計, 老師們的專業及整個課程的vision都令我深受啟發,讓我理解到該如何”看”影像,”思考”影像,將攝影一詞的內涵、層次、表達方式,甚至何為器材都帶給我前所未有的想像及理解空間。
(攝影提供: 大館古蹟及藝術館)
蔡汶希, 任職影像創意培訓工作
Dr Lam Kui Chun (taken in Inner Mongolia)
Although everyone can now take a technically acceptable photograph, the Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Photography of HKU SPACE shows you how to take a “better” photograph. There are two aspects to the answer:
- How to take a more beautiful photograph. Many photographers take this as the major desired result in their photography. This produces a product for exhibition.
- How to take a meaningful photograph. This is what the Postgraduate Diploma course trains you to do. The end result is photographs that make a casual observer stop in front of the photograph, look, reflect, and consider what impact the contents have on society. This produces an impact on society.
As example of aspect no. 2 is discussion on a series of photographs on child labour in America. The impact is a new law forbidding child labour in that country. A second example is on a woman photographer who photographs herself, often in 2 different roles in the same photograph, which reflects the role of women in society. These have not changed laws, but start society thinking about the role of women in a male-dominated society.
The course takes the students through different styles and topics through the development of photography in Europe, America, Japan, China and Hong Kong. It tells you what photograph was sold for US$ 2.5million in 2015 and why. It trains the student to make presentations on subject matters in his environment.

Luna Chun. Project manager WMA gallery
After the course, I was able to critically review and evaluate items of photographic artwork, understand the historical perspective, criticism, issues, and theory in contemporary photography. Studying the course also get me to know and network with key players in the industry and understand the development and history of photography in Hong Kong. It advanced my prospect in the field of art administration.