市場營銷學 電子商務及全渠道零售
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- 課程名稱
This postgraduate Diploma is designed to provide opportunities for marketing or retailing practitioners in the fashion business to develop the knowledge, international perspective and managerial skills required to enhance their company’s competitiveness, innovative capabilities and brand reputation. This programme also helps students acquire analytical skills to pursue a career in the fashion business.
"The Power of Digital Marketing" Workshop Series
搜索引擎優化 (Search Engine Optimization)
早鳥優惠: HK$1,600 (於2025年1月15日或之前報名)
校友優惠: HK$1,600 (校友優惠不可網上報名,須親臨各教學中心報名)
Early Bird : HK$1,600 (application submitted on or before 25 Aug, 2025)
Alumni Rate : HK$1,600 (application must be submitted to enrollment centres)